22 | caught out

83 3 2

Tilly Taylor:

I don't remember much when I came to bed last night my head was fuzzy with the alcohol running through my veins, the emotions I'd felt from opening up to Harry, I passed out the second I got to my room leaving Harry and pumpkin down stairs.

I didn't charge my phone, didn't set no alarm just let myself drift off into a deep slumber of torment of bad memories mixed with Harry's lips.

I was woken up to the sound of thumping on my front door, sitting up hair a mess only a large baggy shirt covered my body it takes me a minute to wake up and remember who would be at the door, I glance at my alarm clock on my night stand it read 10.09am.

Fuck I was supposed to meet Rosie at half nine for breakfast today, I hear the sounds get louder as I groggily walk down the stairs. I'm about to open the door and apologies when I see Harry star-fished on my sofa in nothing but his tight black boxers.

And pumpkin laying on his back curled up in a little ball,his soft curls are unruly as his face is smushed into the pillow, he looks effortlessly handsome in his comatose state.

I knock myself out of my little daydream and rush over to him, " HARRY! " I shake his body slightly whisper shouting at him.

He doesn't budge to be honest I'm shocked Rosie knocking didn't wake him but he's fully knocked out in dream land, I shake him again more violently making pumpkin jump from his back, as he spring boards off his back he digs his claws in slightly waking Harry.

" OUCH FUCK " he sits up and looks at me angrily, confusion written on his face.

" SHHHH Rosie is at the door and I need you to go up stairs and hide please, I'm sorry about pumpkin " I hold his face in my hands trying to bring him round a little.

He heard the knocking on the door looks around the room dazed and confused for a moment, before he stands and nods before sluggishly trotting out of the room and up the stairs I gaze at his cute little peach of a bum as he strides up the stairs.

I look so long in fact I hear a key at my door making me open it dramatically fast, " HEY" I lean against the doorway trying to not act suspicious.

" Jesus you're not even fully clothed did you forget our breakfast date! " she walks past me thankfully right past Harry's shoes.

" yeah I'm really sorry wasn't feeling too good last night had a night in with myself " I follow her to the living room and curse myself when I see the two bottles of empty wine and glasses not to mention the pizza boxes.

Rosie glances at the messed up sofa, then to the wine glasses and then back at me " you had someone here didn't you " my eyes grow wide.

She looks at the discarded items of clothing on the floor, picking up the black T-shirt belonging to Harry as I curse underneath my breath.

" YOU HAVE SOMEONE HERE " she pushes past me racing up the stairs into my bedroom, i race after her begging Harry isn't on the bed, she opens the door to an empty room.

I don't know where Harry is right now but I'm thankful for his better hiding place then just my bed, Rosie checks under the bed and groans out in frustration when she doesn't find anything.

" Tilly you're hiding him you may as well tell me now because I'm not leaving until I know who he is, the man who's been stealing my best friend these past couple weeks " she strides past me into my bathroom.

I see her eyes light up when the shower curtain is drawn on the bath, I almost want to pull her back but I pray he wasn't that stupid and it's a distraction.

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