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Tilly Taylor:

We waited at the side of the stage waiting for the lights to come on, Harry waited besides us watching his band walk out first the crowd cheered as he stretched his body out beside me.

" this is so fucking weird that we are not walking out with you " Niall chimes in looking at the crowd and then harry, it must of been a really surreal feeling watching their close maybe even best friend take his first steps into his solo career without them.

" I know " Harry muttered, he shuffled behind the guys to where I was standing, he was running his hand through his curls nervously breathing out shaky breaths, it took every thing in me not to grab his hand to stop him I was trying to put that boundary of not touching too much back in place.

" thank you for coming means a lot " he smiled at me, he looked like he wanted to hug me for a moment but then stopped himself, I wrapped my arms around him bringing his body into mine, friends can hug this is fine I tell myself.

" wouldn't miss it for the world, so proud " I smiled.

He pulled himself away from me wearing a his bright dimpled smile I loved so much, the music started meaning it was Harry's time to shine the notes to only Angel started making my heart flutter like crazy knowing the song was about me.

All the boys patted him on the back giving him a hug as they watched him walk out guitar now slung round his body, the second the petal pink curtain lifted the crowd erupted into screams and cheers, I had to cover my ears for a moment.

I watched the boys watch Harry, smiling nodding their head to the songs muttering how they were proud and he's going to be even bigger then they were as a band, and I agreed Harry has this superstar quality about him.

He had an amazing voice, incredible body, the most adorable personality mix that in with some curly hair and a dimpled smile it makes him unstoppable.

" this next song I wrote about a certain girl who had my attention from the second I locked my eyes with hers, urm I wrote this song to actually get her attention so she'd talk to me after only meeting her for one night and I'm glad it worked she's the most incredible strong, kind hearted human and I'm lucky to know her this is Carolina " Harry spoke through the microphone.

I couldn't fight the smile that crossed my face, If only he knew he changed my life with that song and it made my world brighter, he saved me whilst I was drowning in my own sadness and I'll forever be thankful to him for that.

Niall nudged me noticing my smile " do you know who he's talking about "

" no " I replied a little too fast.

" where you from " he side eyed me whispering so the other boys couldn't hear.

" Carolina " I said swallowing thickly, feeling my hands begin to sweat as Niall's eyebrows almost flew off his head.

" fucking hell I was just teasing but the song is actually about you, trust Harold to write a song about a one night stand to get a girls attention " he laughed, like actually cackled I swatted his arm to shut him up before the others asked what was so funny.

" so you a thing now then? " he nudged me wiggling his eyebrows at me.

" no we are just friends, it was a one time thing " I lied.

" ouch poor Harold but good news for Lou I guess "
He smirked.

" sorry what's good news for me? " Louie appeared behind us with two drinks in his hand.

" nothing, nothing just asking Tilly here if she was single she is by the way " I wanted the floor to swallow me whole what was happening right now.

" ah, well I brought you a drink " Louie smiled handing me a plastic cup, I thanked him, it was the perfect timing actually I was way too sober for a conversation like this, I just wanted to watch Harry in his prime on stage.

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