25 | The Purposal

72 4 0

Harry styles

Interviews the crappiest part of my job if I'm honest, it's like walking into a lions den and waiting for them to pounce on you with un authorised questions with added pressure to answer them honestly, I've learnt to have the best poker face over the years of interrogation about my personal life, as each facial expression or pause in your speech will be analysed.

So far the interview in front of a live audience may I add is going swimmingly, they've asked the normal questions about my solo music, if I miss the band and if I think we will ever get back together.

" so we have some questions from fans on Twitter Harry " the interviewer smiles at me, as I sip on my water and mentally prepare myself, questions from fans are usually sweet so I'm not too worried about it.

" Harrylover124 wants to know if you're single " I chuckle at such a sweet innocent question, " yes I'm very much so " I nod waiting for the next one, girls in the audience let out little screams making me shake my head and laugh a little more.

" you see that question popped up a lot actually as fans and even me have been wondering if that's true as you've been seen with a certain black haired tattooed lady looking rather...uh well cosy " and there it is, a small interrogation hidden behind a innocent question, I try not to let my eyes grow wide at the mention of Tilly.

Before I can reply or form any kind of sentence the large screen next to me changes to pap photos of me and Tilly, walking holding hands at the after party of my show, and one of us on the beach that I didn't expect to see, my nose twitched and my palms began to sweat at the sight of us together like I was hiding some dirty secret but here's the thing I wasn't.

Maybe if we were seeing each other still or doing what ever the fuck we were doing back then this question would be hard to answer but the simple fact is Tilly is a friend and I'm being honest but people like to twist things, if it be something I've said or a photograph they morph it to fit their narrative they have of me.

" ah yes I can see why you'd think that but it was her first time dealing with paps so I held her hand out of courtesy she's just a friend, actually she's my personal trainer " I smile, and hope to god I'm not sweating as much as I think I am, I run my hands through my curls nervously and adjust my suit a little trying to act as natural, and as calm as possible.

" always the gentleman styles, the beach photo came from one of your band mates on Instagram you're not directly in the photo per say just in the background looking cosy with your personal trainer in the sea " I look at the photo and see me and Tilly hugging in the water right after she swam for the first time in the crisp cold sea water, and curse Pauli for not thinking posting this would invade not only my privacy but Tilly's.

" again still single just a great friend, she's been getting me in shape for tour " I smile, sipping on my water whilst wishing it was something stronger right in the moment, praying we'd move onto the next round of questions.

" ah yes does she have a name? Also tour that leads us into our next question.." my mind goes blank after he speaks about the tour, I think about how much I'm putting Tilly in the public eye without her consent or her evening knowing, I make a mental note to ask her later about it all and to apologise.

" her name is Tilly she's a private person but all you need to know is she's a great one and yes the tour! It's starting real soon! "

The interview ended and I waved my way off stage with a fake smile after performing a song or two, my hands trembled slightly as I hide them in my pockets as I exit the stage.

I'm annoyed really fucking pissed off actually with this whole interview once Tilly finds out about it I'm not sure how she'll react, it may ruin all the trust we've already built in the friendship, I fish out my phone as I jump into my car, I was going to contact her but as I glance at my phone I see a miss call from her making my blood run cold.

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