14 | morning heartbreak

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Tilly Taylor:

I wake up and stretch my arms out feeling slightly sore from last nights bedroom activities, I open my eyes to see no Harry and no pumpkin, slightly confused and in a daze of sleepiness I glance at the clock and it reads 10.08am, I slept so good last night I mean anyone would after 3 orgasms.

Harry must of left early morning like I did to him, some kind of payback I guess after I did it first but I can't blame him for it, I walk into my bathroom in desperate need of a shower I stunk of sex and tequila.

Once I've freshened myself up I throw on my matching gym set for work later, a cute little teal number that made my ass look incredible if I do say so myself, I'm thankful I don't have a client until 1pm meaning I had time to have a decent late breakfast or early lunch and just chill out.

I apply little to no makeup knowing I would be sweating it all off later anyway, and tie my hair into a ponytail, i slide on my fuzzy slippers not needing to put my gym shoes right away and head downstairs.

I thought he'd gone, I thought I was alone but I was wrong I can hear Harry humming and singing to himself in my kitchen, I slowly make my way into the room seeing how he's completely showered and dressed himself in a different outfit from last night?

Did he go home? And come back? I'm so confused right now, he's wearing black jeans and a blue and cream stripped sweater, he's currently cooking something in a pan humming to himself with a small happy smirk on his face.

" uh what are you doing " I managed to squeak out in my shock, he jumps slightly before turning around his small smile turns into a genuine toothy one.

" hello Angel, I'm making you a late breakfast didn't want to wake you, pumpkin woke me up early so I fed him " he nods towards the cat who's now trailing at my feet.

I glance between my cat and Harry completely overwhelmed with how domesticated this all felt, I've never had a man cook me breakfast before let alone feed my dam cat.

I know it shouldn't be a big deal but it really was to me it was intimate and it felt like he was almost starting to try woo me, it felt like we were dating with how comfortable Harry was already in my flat.

" I got you these too " he turned around and picked up the blush pink tulips I didn't notice until now handing me them, my jaw drops to the floor okay he definitely thinks this is more then what it is and I need to put a stop to it before it can go any further.

But how do I do it without hurting his feelings, how do I tell him I'm so broken from my past it's made me emotionally unable, his words and actions were nothing but kind making this so much more difficult.

" sit, sit food is ready I made waffles with some fruit and a coffee I wasn't sure how you take it so I guessed " I slowly sit down at the breakfast bar in my kitchen, I still haven't said a single word I don't know what to say, I wanted to thank him but also I wanted to scream this was too much too soon for me.

" uh thanks " I mutter, he slides across the waffles and places the coffee next to me, it's a black coffee and I raise my eyebrows at him in shock " how did you-"

" the lack of sugar and milk in your house made it easy to guess " he shrugs tucking into his own breakfast, my mouth formed an O like shape, I take my first bite into my waffles loaded with fruit and I can't deny that it tasted absolutely incredible.

On top of everything he could bloody cook, he knows what to say, is sweet, handsome, buys me flowers and now he can cook, I would be mad to throw him out right? He's done nothing wrong but all these sweet actions are making my anxiety sky rocket this is the closest I've ever been to any kind of dating and it's scaring the hell out of me.

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