12 | after party

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Tilly Taylor:

" I wanted to surprise you " I smiled sheepishly at Harry, I had to stop my eyes from wondering down to his now exposed chest and torso, his body is glistening with sweat from the show and it's making me imagine things I shouldn't be stood next to my best friend.

I was like a dam groupie right now I wanted him to take me to his dressing room and have his way with me, that adorable smile played on Harry's lips, the one that had his dimple popping out and his cute bunny teeth showing making my knees a little weaker then usual.

" Tilly, its nice to finally know your name " my name sounded like heaven the way it rolled off his tongue, Rosie was watching us both closely, I could see the huge grin forming on her face as Harry stride towards me.

" this looks good on you, keep it " he tugged at the feather boa bringing our faces closer our lips almost touching but at the last moment I pull away, it's all I wanted to do kiss him but I didn't want to make it too easy on him, I wanted him to work for it.

I know, I know he's literally been ghosted for months you'd think I'd give the boy a break but there's something thrilling about being chased by a man like harry,he didn't look shocked or annoyed when I moved out of his hold, his eyes had a playful glint in them with a smirk on his lips like he knew I'd do exactly what I did, I feel like he was testing out the waters to see how far I'd let him take tonight.

" Rosie, thank you for coming i appreciate it! " he moved away from me, bringing Rosie in for a hug, I can see her secretly scolding me for not kissing Harry, it was written all over her face she was annoyed at me.

Harry moves out of her hold walking away gesturing for us to follow, " you're such a brat give the guy a break " she whisper shouts at me, I roll my eyes at her laughing.

" I know what I'm doing " I whisper shout back at her, well I kinda knew what I was doing I think, im still getting to know harry, trying to figure out what makes him tick.

" I hope for your sake you do because he won't be waiting around forever you know " she struts past me, walking to catch up with Harry.

I frown at her words stopping in my tracks as I watch them both disappear into a room, why was she so mad about me playing games with him? It's all fun nothing hurtful, maybe it's because she's friends with him? Or maybe it's because it's the first man I've openly admitted I had a crush on after saying for a whole year no one had my attention.

Harry pops back out from the door " you coming Angel " he breaks me from my thoughts, he wonders over to me taking his hand in mine for a moment. Usually I'd pull away but after what Rosie said I keep my hand firmly in his, letting the butterfly fly around in my stomach from the simple touch of his palm on mine.

He leads me into some kind of green room where the band are all sat, some have changed into there causal clothes, others still in their matching denim jumpsuits, I recognise one of the members he's sat with his arm wrapped around a women, smiling his long hair flows down past his shoulders.

He catches me staring I quickly look away " hello! I'm Mitch and this is my wife Sara, your the girl Harry is smitten with aren't you " he smiles at me, I take a seat next to them, I have no idea where Harry went but after guiding me into the room he walked back out.

" I wouldn't say so no but I'm Tilly, nice to meet you both! I loved the show " I smile at them both, they looked so cute together, if anyone was smitten here it was Mitch with Sara the way he glazed back at her, oh to be looked at like that one day, no wait I don't want that, I try shake away the love sick thoughts that fogged my brain for a moment.

" meet the band and crew, Elin,Pauli,Ny Oh,Niji and our photographer Anthony " Mitch points to different members and they all give me wave or a small nod and a smile, I wonder if they know how much joy they brought to the thousands tonight.

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