Untitled part

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A/N: Check out my og story on ao3!

G/N: girlfriend's name


She pulled your hand through the dying crowd, as she attempted to keep you close to her. You walked quickly with her, laughing as she cracked jokes and attempted to avoid the people in your way. Finally, after a couple of minutes, you reach the stairs leading down to the upper-class dining room.

"Honey, we aren't allowed down there!" You say, still laughing.

"Why not?" She asks, in mock annoyance, "come on let's go." She tugs you down the stairs and the two of you straighten up and let go of each other's hands when you reach the bottom. "Just try and fit in," she says, her voice ladylike, but a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. You nod, struggling to hold back your own smile.

The two of you walk through the dining hall, trying not to draw attention to yourselves. G/N grabs rolls off of unused tables and you snag a couple of napkins as well as a two small salad off a waiter's plate. He doesn't seem to notice. Before leaving the dining hall out the back entrance, you see her take a vase with a small bundle of daisies draping over the edges. She backs into the metal door to push it open, and when you step onto the back of the boat, you realize how beautiful the sky is, as well as how alone you are.

After placing all of your things on the ground, she pulls you in to kiss you, passionately, on your lips. Breaking away a moment later, you whisper,

"This place is beautiful."

"It doesn't even come close to you, love." She responds and kisses you quickly again before sitting down on the wooden floor.

The two of you proceed to lay out the food on the ground around you. There are four dinner rolls, each already buttered, a large piece of cake, and two small salads that are overflowing with different nuts, fruits, and seeds. G/N pulls forks out of her back pocket and hands you one, slipping the other into the center of a roll and biting into it.

"Where did you-" I begin to ask,

"Off a tray," she smirks. I take a small bite of the cake. "MMM- try the rolls!" She exclaims,

"Try the cake," I say, and we switch forks, letting out sounds of contentment.


You sit on the deck and watch the sun go down over the horizon. She holds your hand in her's and your head is on her shoulder.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," you tell her, closing my eyes.

"If I could stop time, I would." You smile, my eyes still closed, and you feel her turn to look at you. "Tired?"

"No, just happy." Shepulls up your chin to kiss you.

"I'm glad baby," You scrunch up your nose and lean forward to kiss her back, lovingly. (pt. 1)

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