When the Ship Goes Down (pt. 2)

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They spins around in circles at the center of the dance floor, their braid flyer behind them, and a smile on their face. You clap from the side, laughing as G/N and the others in the middle. A couple were up on tables, moving carefully, but joyfully, while others remained on the ground, being as aggressive as they pleased.

As the song died away, and the next one rang in, she jogged over to you, slightly breathless.

"You were great out there," you say, still laughing.

"You should come dance with us, I know you like to dance."

"I'm not good though."

"Have you seen those other guys out there," G/N says jokingly, turning their head to face the others still on the floor. A few of the men and women she had been with laugh. "You don't have to be good." She turns back to you, "you just have to have fun, jump around, come on, dance with me."

You allow them to drag you onto the dance floor, grasping your hand and beginning to tap their foot to the beat of the song. You do the same, and soon, you are just as caught up in the music as she is.

You dance for what feels like an hour, letting your hair go where it pleases and moving along with the music, and hitting the ground with the balls of your feet. Eventually, a man's voice rings out over the crowd, alerting everyone that only one more song would be playing because of the numerous complaints from the floors above.

People all across the room groan, but the man assures the crowd that the party would continue the next night. Some people retire to their rooms immediately, while others, including you and G/N, stay on the floor to listen to the last song.

It starts, and you realize almost immediately, that it is a slow song, one where people dance carefully together. G/N looks at you, and smiles softly.

"Shall we." she holds out her hand, and you take it, returning the smile. They pull you to the middle of the, almost completely deserted, dance floor and put their hands around your waist, pulling you closer to them. You lay your head on their shoulder, and she leans her's against the top of your head. "We should do this more often." They remark and you smile into their shirt.

"Yes, we should." They push up your face with their thumb and forefinger, and lean close to you, pressing their lips gently against yours. In that moment, you don't care that there are others in the room, and you don't care that people may be looking at you, all you care about is G/N, standing in front of you, and kissing you. You kiss them back, and you break away only when the song ends. Then, they lead you to your shared room, and close the door behind you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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