It's Not What it Looks Like! I Swear! (Part 2)

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Wow, look at me 2 updates in a week! I'm so bad! Lol!

I passed Spanish! Yes!

Today is my last day as a junior! Whoop whoop!

Once inside the room, I slam the door shut and slide down against it.

"Breathe... Breathe..." I tell myself. "Whoa..." I touch the place where his lips once were. "They were so soft and gentle... What am I thinking about!? What is wrong with me!?" I shake my head in frustration. "Arceus! This is all his fault!" I bang my hand on the ground. I sigh. "No... It's not his fault, it's mine... I just lov-"

*knock knock*

"White? It's me, I'm coming in."

Crap! It's him!

I quickly run over to a bed and flop myself on to it and scramble under the covers. I throw my vest on the floor next to my bag, that I brought with me while I ran over here.

The door opens and N walks in and walks over to me, sitting down on the bed.

"H-hey..." I say, trying to make conversation to ignore the fact that we're alone.

"You feeling okay?"

"Pecha berry fine! Just a little light headed maybe from all the excitement," I say. Well, that wasn't all a lie.

"You gonna feel up to the concert? Because if not I'll stay here with you."

"Of course I'm up to it! I couldn't miss our first ever concert! I'd feel terrible!"

He turns to look at me with a smile. "I'm glad you're fine." He leans over to put his hand against my forehead. "You're still red but you don't feel hot." Once again, he puts his lips on my forehead and I let him.

"I though you weren't dating?" Violet yells, walking into the room, with the others, right at the moment his lips touched my forehead.

"It's not what it looks like! I swear!" we yell.

Violet giggles. "I know!"

"I call it if they get together soon!" Jason yells, running from the room to theirs.

"No, I already called it!" Violet fusses, chasing after him and Roger follows after.

"Why does everyone keep catching us in these awkward positions!?" I yell, pushing N away. "I'm not sick! So stop!"

N laughs. "How many times have we said those lines today?"

I laugh too. "I don't even know. How'd they even get in here?"

"I let them," Lucario says, holding up his key card.

"Of course," I say, rolling my eyes. "And you coincidentally walk in right at the exact moment."

He gives a sly grin and climbs onto the bed above me. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't copy me!" I fuss.

"Like trainer like Pokémon," N says with a laugh.

"So, what can we do for 5 hours?" I ask.

"We could tour Pokéstar Studios," N suggests.

"Oh yeah! That's North from here isn't it? Why didn't I think of that?" I say and smack my forehead in a 'duh' way.

"Are we really gonna go there?" Lucario asks annoyed.

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