Ch.7 [Adventurous Vanta 3]

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I wave towards Zeke, as he comes over.
He leans a bit closer to us.

Me: On my left, there's a group of... probably bandits?

Sierra pats my back and giggles.
Sierra: Stop joking like that! It's not funny.

Me: But I'm not....

Ehh.... actions speak louder than words....

I control the blood, and shoot a small bit of towards the blobs at high speed.

The blobs start moving.... as one staggers?

?: They know!

Everyone gets on alert and readies their weapons.
I see the blobs running to the right, as I point and shoot towards next one.
My blood disappears into the bushes... but that blob moves without stopping.

Zeke: Where?

Me: They fled to right! I'll take care of wounded one.

Mavi: Be careful kid. I'll stay here, and protect the cargo.

I smile and respond.
Me: Now, it's not a free ride!

I rush towards the wounded blob, and look around for any other.

As I reach him, it seems he was abandoned. Am I sentimental? Maybe a bit.

?: F*CK! Who hit me...?

Me: I did, now. You'll kindly answer my question. Or I'll hurt you, and I'm no expert.

?: A Damn Kid?! Hell nah!

He tries reaching for me, but I use his bleeding wound and utilise his blood to hold him down.

I can feel my control over blood slowly increase... that's.... kinda good?

He starts struggling as I cover his mouth with solidified blood, close his wound and take him to the camp.

(Few minutes later)

I just sit on the dude's back, as he cannot move...
I wonder why?

Wait... Where's Mavi? He was supposed to- oh he's on other side.... with few blobs?

Think fast... risk my ride? Or info?

I'd prefer to keep my ride.

Since no ones around, unsheathing my sword, I stab the guy straight through his heart, and drain as much blood, as I can.

That's a lot of blood.... I look around again, and since it's clear. Use Azkorth.
Me: Devour, Azkorth.

In matter of seconds, the whole body got devoured. I felt my Aura get filled a bit, since it's constantly used to control the blood.
Making the blood flow under my clothes, I harden the excess into a thin skin-like thing and keep some above my hand.
Ughhh... I feel... bad.

I rush towards Mavi, who's on other side of camp.

As I move between the cars and get closer, I can clearly hear weapons hitting against weapons.

I keep myself close to the cars and peek around...

Spotting a bit darker skinned woman, with very short black-brownish hair.

Woman: Tie him up, until we find the dust crates we need everyone alive!

Why would they?

Woman: Also, did anyone see Gerth?

A wounded guy walks up to her....

?: He's at other side, he got shot by something strange, it slowed his Aura regeneration. So we had to leave him there.

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