Chapter 5

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'I have no choice. Because I can't cut corners with my patients to make it easier on me alone. Let's cheer up by imagining wealth and glory to enjoy later.'

Raymond cleaned hard, remembering the bucket list he had hoped for in his dream.

Perhaps it was the happy imaginings, but fortunately, time flew by.

'Ah, If I succeed later, I'll definitely have to have a cleaning staff dedicated to the treatment center.'

Raymond, who wiped the floor brightly, patted his back and sighed.

His whole body ached from cleaning so hard.

'Will it be less tiring if I raise my stamina stat?'

It was when he was thinking like that.

Ring, a message came to mind.

[You have cleaned the relief center.]

[Achievement: "Hygiene Improvement" was completed.]

[10 skill points awarded!]

[Bonus points awarded for outstanding performance.]

[10 skill points awarded!]

[Bonus level up!]

[Level increases to 5!]

[You will be given a perk! You will now be better at cleaning from now on!]

Level up!

He was also given a perk. He wasn't that happy about it, though.

Anyway, that wasn't the only happy message.

[You've reached 40 skill points!]

[You can purchase a skill in the market!]

Buy skills!

Finally, he could use his points to acquire new skills.

'What skills?'

[You can purchase general skills and attribute skills.]

[Special offer applies for first purchase].

[For 40 points you can buy one unique grade skill!]

The message seemed to be "perks," and a surprising number of skills rose to the list.

[Special Offers Available for Purchase List]

-Ironman Strength (Unique)

-Hand of a Warrior (Unique)

-Sage's Eye (Unique)

There was no detailed explanation.

However, Raymond was able to guess the general purpose of the skill just by its name.

'These are skills that assist with strength, sense, and intellect, respectively.'

All of them were important skills in seeing patients.

Skills that you want to have in your hands if you can.

But unfortunately, a warning message came to mind.

[Note: Make your choice carefully! Reward opportunities don't come easy.]

Raymond drooled.

It was a "unique" grade.

A very high level among the many levels of skill.

He didn't know how many skill points he needed to collect to get a chance to buy again.

So he had to choose the skill that he thought was the most important.

'What do I do?'

The night at the aid station passed with worries.

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