Chapter 146

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'I don't understand. I'll have to check this out later.'

Raymond shook his head.

Anyway, the questions could wait.

Right now, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

The twins needed to be cured.

"I'll have to check it out first, but if I'm right, I think I can cure you."


The twins responded with a stunned silence, their eyes widening in disbelief.

Without delay, Raymond proceeded to initiate the treatment.

Extracting thyroid hormone from an animal, he administered it to the twins.

Then, a remarkable transformation occurred. The twins' symptoms began to alleviate almost instantly!

"This, this...?"


The twins' eyes widened in amazement.

They had suffered so much from this poison, and now, with Raymond's help, they had found a cure!

"It's not a complete cure. You'll still need to take the pills I give you."

There was no way to save their thyroids.
They found themselves with no alternative but to persist with their prescribed medication.


Once more, the twins' countenances took on a somber hue.

After all, the medicine was a necessity for them.

Yet now, the dispenser of this crucial remedy had shifted from Archduke Berard to Raymond.

'Our existence hangs on his actions from now on.'

The twin girl, Rune, nervously bit her lip and ventured a question.

"What demands might the Baron make of us in the future?"


"What is your intent with our lives? What demands will you impose upon us?"

The twin boy, Ren, mirrored a similar apprehension.

Perhaps due to their shared tumultuous experiences, a profound skepticism of humanity had taken root within them. While they had heard of Raymond's commendable reputation, a residual wariness persisted, suspecting him to be like the rest.

Raymond's brow furrowed at their guarded response.

They were but young souls, he mused.

'These two.'

"Indeed, I do have a condition. You will be required to fulfill it."

"What might that be?"

Tension rippled through the twins.

Raymond's explanation was succinct.


"...For what purpose?"

Raymond expounded further.

"Additionally, smile a hundred times a day. Strive to be the best version of yourselves."


The twins wore expressions of utter bewilderment, as though they had encountered an oddity in his words.

Raymond emitted a faint sigh, then affectionately ruffled each of their heads.

"It's a way of saying that being content and enjoying restful sleep is a valuable achievement."

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