Chapter 189

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Raymond had ascended to the status of a feudal lord!

With this achievement, he earned the distinguished title of Lord of the Manor of Luin.

Additionally, he was entrusted with the temporary oversight of the estates of Kunka and Boyle, both of which had lost their owners.

To his surprise, he was officially granted ownership of both estates.

Consequently, Raymond found himself in direct possession of a vast estate befitting a marquis.

'To think that I have achieved so much! It was all worth it.'

Reflecting on his time in the crystal mine, Raymond found that his memories were hazy.

'I lost my memory under the onslaught of mana... What happened?'

He scrutinized his body.

'Where did all that mana go? It's all gone.'

Upon inspection, he found no trace of the mana within him.

'It's not entirely gone. My mana stats have increased by 30.'

Raymond opened the status window and was astounded. His mana had surged by an impressive 30.

'My healing abilities have also leveled up.'

Raymond tested his healing capabilities to confirm the enhancement.

A dazzling light erupted with a resounding boom.

This wasn't just a B-grade heal; it was an elevated B+ grade.

'I can use B-grade heals.'

Raymond stood in awe.

A B-grade heal belonged to the high-grade category.

'Well, that's beneficial. Heals have formidable power.'

Raymond acknowledged the use of healing abilities.

In skilled hands, they could prove highly effective.

'Especially when coupled with medicine.'

For instance, a trauma patient in shock would experience enhanced recovery when subjected to both healing and surgical procedures, as opposed to either treatment in isolation.

Numerous conditions could benefit from the synergistic effects of both treatments.

'Anyway, this is fantastic! I'm now a feudal lord, marking the beginning of wealth and glory!'

Of course, Raymond knew there were still many mountains to climb.

'I need to develop the estate to reap the rewards, as the prosperity of the estate directly correlates with the wealth I can amass.'

However, that wasn't the sole challenge.

'I must address the threat from Kairen and Remerton.'

Raymond was well aware that the two princes viewed him with caution.

'Being of royal blood, I'm likely an eyesore to them.'

Raymond furrowed his brow.

He had never benefited from being the king's son.

Instead, he found himself subjected to unnecessary penalties and persecutions.

'Damn it. I wish I could rid myself of this royal blood.'

He sighed, but nothing changed.

He recalled Sophia's earlier advice.

'Be strong enough to live your life as you see fit. Be strong.'

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