Chapter 150

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"Prince Seitil was considered a candidate for the throne solely because of Duke Leif, and now that the leash is off, he's a nobody."

Seitil was once attacked by monsters in a dastardly plot to harm Raymond, and suffered a grievous wound to his arm.

His stubbornness prevented him from seeking Raymond's medical attention, leaving him with such a severe scar that he could barely hold a sword.

His downfall was complete.

Seitil was now a helpless wretch of a prince with no one to follow.

"But what will become of Baron Penin's status from now on?"

Of course, Duke Leif didn't support Raymond as a candidate for the throne.

But it was clear that Duke Leif strongly supported Raymond one way or another.

Raymond was also a war hero and had the absolute support of the soldiers, which meant he had the military behind him.

"... He can no longer be ignored as just an orphan. At this point, isn't he on par with the factions that used to support Prince Seitil?"

Of course, that didn't mean Raymond's supporters were any better than Second Prince Kairen or Third Prince Remerton.

As the leading candidates for the throne, they have far more support, but even as princes, they can no longer ignore Raymond.

Raymond's presence was now a clear 'threat' to the two princes.

'If Baron Penin is recognized as full royalty...'

Some of the nobles swallowed hard, sensing an impending storm of epic proportions.

This threat was especially dire for the third prince, Remerton, who had often been in the shadows and had been cornered by a series of blunders in this war.

Worst of all, these blunders had cast a great doubt on his qualifications.

'Damn it.'

Remerton clenched his teeth, his frustration evident.

"Brother, we can't allow Raymond to gain more ground. We have to put a stop to this immediately."

Pushed to his limits, impatience seeped into his voice.

He felt that if he allowed Raymond to continue unchecked, he would lose control of the situation completely.

Second Prince Kairen, on the other hand, seemed to be in a much more secure position. In fact, he even teased Remerton.

"Well, what do you intend to do about our accomplished little brother who has achieved so much?"


"At any rate, my priorities have shifted. I must tend to our young pup more than you."

"... What?"

Remerton's expression hardened.

Kairen just smirked.

"Remerton, it appears our little puppy has turned out to be much more impressive than you. Doesn't the nickname 'genius' suit our pup far better than it fits you, the pretender?"


Remerton's face turned red as he abruptly stood up.

Kairen's attendant, who had been observing their exchange, cautiously interjected.

"Why did you say that to Prince Remerton?"

"Because I truly believe it."

Kairen responded, his tone unwavering.

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