Chapter 36

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Raymond did not stop there but pushed the hose through the incised skin.

Plop. Plump.

Blood was pushed out of the hose.

'What if the bleeding doesn't stop?'

Raymond checked the amount of blood coming out with nervous eyes.

1.5 liters.

If more blood flowed out at once, a major operation had to be performed to open the chest, find the blood vessels, and stop the bleeding.

In other words, an open thoracotomy had to be performed.

Unfortunately, this was a major operation that could not be performed with Raymond's current capabilities.

The only thing Raymond could do now was to insert the hose and wait until the bleeding stopped spontaneously.

Drip, drip.

Fortunately, when it was about a liter out, the blood stem began to weaken.

'Okay! Just wait while I drain the blood and it will stop bleeding naturally.'

For the time being, the worst was averted.

But the situation was not over.

Despite the blood being drained, the patient's breathing was not stable.

'The broken ribs are preventing him from breathing properly. I need to find where the ribs are supposed to be and make sure they are stable.'

Fortunately, the fracture itself was not serious.

In this case, the ribs did not need to be perfectly attached.

They could be allowed to regain their original place and facilitate breathing. Then the bones would attach naturally over time.

It belonged to the easy surgical axis compared to other major surgeries, but not to Raymond.

He would have put his heart and soul into it.

'Don't bend.'

A cold sweat broke out on Raymond's forehead. He moved his fingers with maximum concentration and fell into surgery.


Fortunately, thanks to much-elevated senses, the surgery was able to proceed smoothly.

The patient had fortunately passed the pass and was now in a stable recovery phase, but there was a problem.

'What if the Dark Blade guys come?'

Toms was an extremely brutal person. He would not have left alone those who had broken his warnings.

"How about asking Mr. Kansir for help?"

"I think he'll be swept away in a heartbeat, don't you?"

Unfortunately, the Blue Moon Guild of Kansir and the Dark Blade Guild were overwhelmingly different in terms of power.

In the end, there was only one answer.

They had to escape.

"Hanson, let's pack up. We have to scatter before they get here."

Hanson nodded heavily.

'I never thought I'd close the treatment center like this. I haven't even improved enough yet. I couldn't even pay my debts.'

As he was packing up, Raymond was suddenly frustrated and on the verge of tears.

How could he let himself run away!

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