Chapter 142

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Seeing Raymond in such a state, they cried out in alarm.

"Master, it's dangerous!"

"Master, please stay back, it's dangerous!"

"Brother, we'll take care of this place!"

It was Elmud, Christine, and Rao in turn.

Duke Leif also shouted with a pale complexion.

"Quickly retreat and flee! You are the best martial arts potential that will bloom someday! Save your life!"

But Raymond didn't back down.

He was frankly terrified.

Even with a C-grade heart of steel, he couldn't feel the pressure of battle.

'Ugh... After this, I won't even look at a sword.'

Raymond was acutely aware that he was a healer, not a knight.

He wasn't cut out for it.

But now he had to take up the sword.

To live!

'Use your skill, Healer's Reanimation!'

[You are facing a powerful enemy to protect your patient!]

[Skill, 'Healer's Reanimation' is activated!]

[Stamina stat increases by 1.3x! Senses stat increases by 1.5x!]

[Stamina: 63 → 141.35]

[Senses: 52 → 120.3]

In an instant, his stats jumped.

Raymond's body became stronger, more agile.


[Healers who step up to defend their patients are tough!]

[Momentarily, the 'fighter's instinct' kicks in!]

The message struck home.

Raymond's world changed.

For one thing, fear was gone.

All that was left was a fierce fighting instinct!

'I have a fighting instinct?'

Raymond thought in bewilderment.

To use an analogy, he felt like a mother bird who became aggressive to defend her young.

Even more surprising was the fact that he could see the battle unfolding before him.

While he couldn't track every intricate sword trajectory with his eyes, he sensed the movements instinctively.

He could anticipate the current swordplay and even predict the next moves.

'...This is the effect of 'fighting instinct'?

In the heat of the moment, without conscious thought, he thrust his sword forward.

It wasn't a deliberate attack; it simply felt like the right thing to do-a pure impulse guided by his newfound fighting instinct.

A crude yet powerful straight line of attack shot towards Kalis.

"How dare you...!"

Kalis was furious that the healer had dared to point his sword at him.

'I'll cut your throat right now!'

Kalis's eyes widened as he tried to dodge and slit his throat.

'This, this?'

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