Chapter 61

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'It's going to go away someday, but is the next upgrade going to be level 70?'

It seemed so. It seemed like it would be the next step after becoming a senior resident.

'So I'm going to be a 'chief' resident, which is the head resident, but what happens when I get to level 100?'

As if to answer, a message popped up.

[The "prestige" of the class will be raised.]

There was no further explanation.

He assumed it meant that the class would be elevated from 'specialist' to 'doctor'.

'Haha. Anyway, good, very good!

He had a grand dream. To be the best healer on the continent and have all the riches in the world, and now he was just taking the first step!

"Hanson, to strengthen your stamina, today is beef!"


"Didn't we have it yesterday?"

Lyndon and Christine protested, but Hanson shushed them.

"According to the Master's teachings, beef is not only good for stamina, but also for immunity. Those exposed to disease, like us, should continue to eat beef to bolster their immunity."

Christine shook her head as if something didn't add up, but she quickly filed it away in her mind.

'I can't possibly understand all the ancient mysteries, so let's memorize them.'

And so the happy hours passed. Suddenly, a heartbreaking message popped up.

[A sudden quest will occur during a crisis!]


Raymond's eyes widened.

They couldn't be in a better place right now, what crisis?

[Defend the Treatment Center!]
(Medicine Quest)

[Medicine Grade: One-Half Scalpel

Difficulty: Medium

Quest Description: A patient with a plot has come to see you! Keep them alive! Keep them alive to uncover the truth behind the plot and take revenge!

Conditions to clear: Patient's survival

Reward: Bonus Level Up x 2, 30 Skill Points

Perks: Have the chance to take bloody revenge]


Raymond looked around the clinic.

There were more than ten patients waiting in the small building.

All of them were ordinary commoners, with an unassuming appearances.

'Abt of these patients are hiding a conspiracy?'

Raymond's face hardened.


"They should have arrived by now, right?"

"Yeah, they're probably starting to work on it."

Pierre gave a mean laugh.

"As soon as the Actor gets involved, he's done for."

"Yeah, I have faith in the Actor. He's the best con man in the capital... No, more like a fraud technician."

Baron Canton recalled his conversation with the Actor.

'I'll do as you say and fake a major side effect from his treatment, so that word gets out that his cure is a complete joke.'

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