Chapter 48

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There was a reason Seitil embarked on this way.

'Damn Raymond bastard.'

When Raymond recently cleaned out the Darkblade Guild.

Among the corrupt aristocrats involved, Viscount Kesford was a man of Seitil.

In other words, he got to take a shit-watering for Raymond.

'Raymond, that bug dares to annoy me!'

Seitil gritted his teeth.

Seitil was badly lagging behind compared to the other princes.

Then the injustice of his subordinate was revealed, and his position became very difficult.

'So I have to take this opportunity to make a contribution.'

Seitil thought grimly.

'Raymond, I'll fix you up one day.'

Seitil originally disliked Raymond. He was so disgusted that he wanted to step on him as he would step on a bug.

If he had the chance later, he would never leave the guy alone.

"I'll take care of it! I'll take care of the little rats! I'll eradicate them all at once and come back!"

His confident voice troubled Odin for a while.

Frankly, he did not think that he could eradicate the godforsaken rats even if he led his soldiers.

But since there were no other measures to take right now, he nodded.

"I will tell Lord Valton of the SS to go with you."


He was one of the squad leaders of the SS and a powerful knight of the sword expert.

"I'll be back once I sort it out soon!"

Odin asked Galman, as Seitil disappeared in a huff and opened the meeting.

"Do you think we can mobilize the soldiers to eradicate the pastin rats?"

"I don't think it will be easy."

Galman shook his head.

"Why are rats rats? They can't be eradicated that easily."

"But it is a problem, especially since there are no other ideas."

Odin nodded just as seriously.

"If we leave it like this, the rats will spread throughout the entire capital."

Galman's face grew heavy. This was not an uncommonly serious matter.

"Somehow we must come up with a plan."


Seitil immediately led (?) his soldiers out to the Bay Area. And they began searching for Pastin rats in every nook and cranny.

But they had no great success.

They caught a few, but that was it.

No matter how hard they looked for them, they couldn't easily find where in the world they were hiding.

"Can't you guys ever do anything right?! We can't even catch a single rat, and you'll take on an enemy army?"

When the simple idea didn't work, Seitil's face turned red and he polished off the soldiers.

'How are we supposed to find well-hidden rats?'

'Do you think we are cats?'

The soldiers were frustrated, but they couldn't show it. The poor were just as frustrated.

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