Chapter 81

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[Social Skills]

Get the social skills you need!

Doctors are not just about seeing patients in the hospital.

Of course, during your first year of residency, you'll be confined to the hospital, but as you move up the ranks, you'll be involved in academic exchanges, conferences, collaborating with other doctors, meeting with policy makers, and meeting with other members of society.

There are a lot of external activities.

It seemed like the kind of skill set for such external activities.

'But what kind of social skills?'

Raymond wondered.

Looking at the market, there wasn't just one type of socialization skill.

[List of Social Skills]

-Elegant Speech!

-Attractive Fashion!

-Royal Court Etiquette!

-Aristocratic Social Dancing!


There were a few others.

They were all skills needed in aristocratic social circles.

'Points aren't cheap, and I can't buy them all.'

Each one was close to 100 points.

The problem is, he couldn't just buy one skill.

He needed speech, manners, dancing, and more.

He couldn't buy them all.

As he was thinking about it, one skill caught his eye.

[Banquet Man of Taste!]

[Type: Support (Socializing) Skill

Rank: Rare

Proficiency : D - You have mastered the social skills required for banquets (speech, etiquette, social dancing, etc.) to the level of a "common noble"!

-Caution: Only manifests at banquets!]

'Oooh, isn't that great?'

But when he saw the next message, Raymond's face fell.

[Side effect (handicap): wearing a tailcoat increases your attractiveness!]

[Beware of unintentionally seducing the opposite sex, it's a sin to make a lady cry!]

[Cost 100 points (side effect: the cost is low compared to the skill's utility!)]


Raymond looked puzzled.

It was exactly what he needed, but for some reason, he was reluctant.

'... should be fine, right?'


The day of the Founding Banquet has arrived.

While King Odin and Prime Minister Galman were busy preparing to receive the emissaries of the Peninsula Kingdom, the Fourth Prince Seitil and Count Garinson were also preparing to receive Raymond.

'Look forward to it, Raymond. I'm going to humiliate you in the best way possible.'

Seitil chuckled as he realized his plan.

"Haha! Perfect, brace yourself, Raymond!"

The servants shuffled away as Seitil laughed to himself.

He looked like a madman, lacking something.

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