Chapter 169

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Raymond, taken aback by his master's unexpectedly wrathful response, displayed an uneasy expression.

It appeared that adopting such a method could potentially lead to serious trouble.

"I don't mind if you proceed. However, I was wondering if you could send me a letter?"

-A letter?

"Yes, receiving an encouraging letter from my esteemed master would lift my spirits. Additionally, I believe other lords would also appreciate such encouragement."

Duke Leif promptly grasped Raymond's request.

-A letter? Yes, that seems fitting. It's a brilliant idea. I'll personally compose uplifting letters for the lords.

This wasn't the Southern Duke Leif involving himself in Raymond's power struggle with the lords.

It was simply a gesture of sending encouraging letters.

Whether the lords would willingly read Duke Leif's letter remained uncertain.

Raymond couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

He had discovered an effective way to influence the lords without resorting to excessive authority.


Thus, Raymond's pressure began to shake the lords.

They were starting to feel the growing threat.

'What if I yield, and that guy bows to Count Penin first?'

Suspicion began to creep in among the lords.

Raymond's intentions were becoming increasingly apparent.

Nevertheless, the lords were not to be underestimated.

While shaken by the formidable pressure, they remained steadfast in their resolve not to bow their heads.

This determination stemmed from various reasons, including pride, an unwillingness to yield to an upstart, or external pressures from the princes.

'Simple pressure won't suffice.'

Raymond understood that he needed a catalyst.

A catalyst was required to break this tense standoff.

'Even a small catalyst would do. If one person bows their head first, the lords will start falling in line one by one.'

To Raymond's fortune, a catalyst emerged.

However, it wasn't the minor incident he had envisioned.

Instead, a colossal crisis of unprecedented magnitude loomed over the Rafalde region.

This crisis had the potential to undo everything Raymond had achieved and transform the region into a living hell.


At that moment, in the bustling capital of the Houston Kingdom, three princes had gathered for a rare tea time.

However, the atmosphere was anything but pleasant.

Seitil, firstly, gazed emptily, exuding an air of forlornness.

In reality, he had succumbed to a life of debauchery, frequently drowning himself in alcohol.

Secondly, Remerton's face was stern, lacking his usual composure.

The only one among them who remained calm was Kairen.

"...It seems our little puppy is putting on quite a good show again."



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