Chapter 179

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It was an overwhelmingly challenging task.

'Still, I must proceed. Utilize skills, Hand of a Warrior, Experience of a Warrior!'

His sensory stat surged as he activated the skills.


[Sense: 70 → 86!]

The sensation in his hands became more fluid, and Raymond advanced through each step.

'First, let's sever the blood vessels.'

The thyroid gland housed arteries in the upper, middle, and lower portions.

Raymond needed to sever the upper artery.

'Hold on.'

Raymond briefly paused before maneuvering the scalpel.

'Severing the blood vessels also impacts the thyroid tissue.'

Blood vessels served as lifelines.

Severing them naturally affected the surrounding tissue.

'So, the moment I sever these vessels, the thyroid hormone levels will commence rising.'

However, there was no other option.

All Raymond could wish for was that the endurance of this young cat tribe boy would last as long as possible.

"Mary, how's the blood pressure?"

"It's 80/50."

It teetered on the brink, barely sustained with the aid of epinephrine. At this rate, even for a Trueblood cat, he wouldn't endure for long.

'I need to complete the surgery swiftly. There's no other option.'

As fast as possible.

Then, with precision.

The most daunting task lay ahead.


A weighty silence enveloped the room.

Raymond concentrated to the maximum as he maneuvered the scalpel.

Although his heart was fraught with anxiety, dreading an immediate decline, he suppressed the unease and persisted in the surgery.

'If I make a mistake in this state of anxiety, it's all over. I need to stay focused.'

Perhaps due to the desperate concentration, fortunately, the surgery advanced without complications.

He first severed and ligated the upper thyroid artery, then detached the upper thyroid while avoiding the upper laryngeal nerve.

Afterward, he severed and ligated the middle thyroid artery.

The true challenge lay in the next step: resecting the lower thyroid.

'I must locate the recurrent laryngeal nerve first.'

The recurrent laryngeal nerve traced along the outer edge of the thyroid, playing a crucial role in vocal cord movement.

Failure to avoid this nerve could result in damage to the vocal cords.

'In thyroid surgeries, this is the most common complication. I have to be careful.'

Raymond traced the nerve from the lower outer side of the thyroid.

However, a problem arose.

'... I can't see it. Could their anatomy differ from humans?"

Raymond sighed.

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