Chapter 119

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"...This meeting is adjourned."

Scrambling to his feet, Archduke Berard headed off to a secret location.

He descended deep underground through a secret passageway that no one else knew about, until he came to a surprising place.

A giant crypt.

A magic circle painted in ghastly blood was in the center, and a crystal ball connected to something.


The circle flickered with the initiation word.


The crystal ball glowed brightly.

He waited, but that was it.

The other person hadn't received it.

'Oh, damn it!'

His face contorted like a demon.

Archduke Berard's mind drifted towards 'them.'

They possessed no discernible identity, no name, and no apparent purpose.

They had sought him out, a lowly bastard, and elevated him to the esteemed rank of High Duke.

They provided him with access to deadly poisons, enabling him to poison his parents, siblings, and orchestrate other reprehensible acts.

The Pastin Plague he attempted to unleash upon the Kingdom of Houston, the concoction he employed in an assassination plot against the Marquis of Langham, and the scheme involving mercury poisoning-all of these plans originated from them.

Though these individuals proved to be invaluable allies, there was one significant issue.

He couldn't contact them on his own terms.

Their communication was initiated solely when they desired, leaving him unable to reach out to them.

'Damn it. It can't be helped.'

With a grimace, Archduke Berard turned back to the battlefield and ordered.

"Summon General Durak."

"The word?"

Archduke Berard said in a cold voice.

"I am placing General Durak in charge of the military. Bring me Raymond's head."

With that, the greatest general in the Droton Kingdom stepped forward, and the war entered a new phase.

Meanwhile, Raymond was meeting with Duke Leif.


"You called for me?"

Raymond turned to face Duke Leif, puzzled.

This was the first time they had ever met alone.

'This is uncomfortable.'

Raymond was uncomfortable with the Duke because of his history with Seitil, but the Duke only looked at him with a piercing gaze and said nothing.

Raymond was about to feel even more uncomfortable.

Duke Leif said something completely unexpected.

"You have done well."


"With your help, we were able to capture the province of Rafalde. As the commander-in-chief of King Houston's army, and on behalf of His Majesty the King."


Raymond was stunned.

Such a compliment from Duke Leif, and no one else!

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