Chapter 140

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Naturally, everyone was very impressed.

The light of the Houston Kingdom Army.

Sparing his own body for his patients.

'The Light of the Foreign Lands. Not only is he warm and compassionate, but he's also brave.'

"I will join you!"

"No, I will go with you! We Lan warriors do not indulge in such valorous deeds!"

Raymond and Macapell III put their hands up, and many volunteers came forward.

Not all could join them, so the best were chosen.

Muhad of the Lan.

He was the second strongest of the Lan warriors, a knight of the rank of Sword Expert.

Note that the strongest warriors stayed behind to lead the Lan army.

And Elmud was next.

The self-proclaimed top genius of the Kingdom of Houston.

He was a knight of Expert Advanced rank, and his heart fluttered with excitement at the sight of Raymond.

'This is my greatest joy as a Relief Knight, to be able to protect my lord by his side. I would give my life and soul to make sure that not a single hair on his body is harmed!'

Elmud, although seemingly a fool, felt honored to be entrusted with the task of protecting Raymond.

On the side of the Kingdom of Droton, the loyal Viscount Thys, a knight of the rank of Sword Expert, also stood among them.

With three Sword Expert Advanced members, the Order now boasted the most powerful lineup they had ever assembled.

Additionally, five Expert Beginners, including Christine and Rao, strengthened their forces.

It was astounding how much power an Expert Beginner could wield within a small or medium-sized Knighthood and still be regarded as an advanced core knight.

Despite their modest numbers, they were more than capable of overwhelming a small knighthood!

'Good, so even if we encounter a few enemies, we shouldn't be in any danger!'

Raymond said confidently, relieved.

''We'll set out as soon as it gets dark."

The plan involved drawing attention to the Lan soldiers attacking the south gate.

The few castle defenders would be forced to focus on the south gate, leaving the other gates neglected.

At that point, the Order would infiltrate the palace and open the northern gate, which was closest to the palace.

They would enter the star wing, secretly waiting near the northern gate, and would then enter the castle and capture it.

Luckily, there was a good hiding spot for my troops near the north gate.

'And I'll get the credit for taking the castle. Perfect!'

Raymond beamed with satisfaction as he walked down the secret passage.

Even in the darkness of the secret passage, his face was bright.

'Huhu. If all goes well and the war is over, I'll be Super Rich.'

He fantasized happily.

This once far-fetched dream was now within reach, just around the corner.

The thought of being wealthy and enjoying beef all the time brought a wide smile to his face.

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