Chapter 163

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Raymond promptly reached out to the Magic Tower.

'Preparations are essential. This won't be a straightforward surgery.'


They form when a hazy substance accumulates on the lens (crystalline lens) of the eye, obstructing the passage of light.

Similar to how a window becomes opaque when it's excessively dirty, the eye's lens undergoes a similar transformation.

The solution is simple: remove the clouded lens (crystalline lens) and replace it with a new one (artificial crystalline lens).

'In the medical hub of the modern Earth, it's a straightforward surgery. One of the most basic eye surgeries. But not here. There are several difficulties.'

Firstly, the constraints of the equipment.

There were no dedicated surgical microscopes for ophthalmic procedures, nor the equipment needed for ultrasound emulsification to liquefy the hardened crystalline lens.

He couldn't utilize "phacoemulsification," the central technique in cataract surgery.

He had to resort to removing the eye's lens using just scalpels.

Another challenge was Raymond's own skills.

'I've primarily specialized in major surgeries and have gained expertise in those. These minor fields, particularly ophthalmic surgery, are where my experience falls short.'

Medicine meticulously categorizes its subfields.

Among them, disciplines directly related to life are considered "major," while those less connected are designated as "minor."

Ophthalmology falls into the minor category, and Raymond's proficiency in minor medical subjects currently rested at a C level, barely reaching a novice status.

'Even on modern Earth, majors and minors are entirely distinct areas of study. Anyway, this isn't an easy field for me.'

Additionally, there was another formidable challenge: procuring an artificial crystalline lens suitable for replacing the clouded eye lens.

'We need a lens that's safe for the human body.'

Inserting a lens that triggered eye inflammation would be catastrophic.

'There appears to be a potential material for this.'

So, Raymond made contact with the tower.

Upon learning of his request, the Tower Master, Shameron, personally appeared in the crystal.

-Oh! Mage Raymond! Are you finally considering a formal study of magic?

"That's not it. I contacted you because I need to order a magical item."

Shameron gestured with his fan behind the crystal and responded.

-Oh, that's a pity. Nonetheless, please share your request. As a special courtesy to the pillar of our tower, we'll offer a discount.

"Can you craft white crystals into the shape of a lens?"

-White crystals?

"Yes, but they must be white crystals without any mana infusion."

White crystals, a variety of magical stone.

They possessed transparency and a glass-like texture.

'More precisely, they have a texture reminiscent of clear plastic.'

Raymond had a specific reason for selecting this magical stone.

White crystals were frequently employed by mages as artificial body parts due to their unique aesthetic appeal.

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