Chapter 111

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'If all those medics heal the patients, my merit will be enormous!'

Being a Supreme Yolk Lord took a step closer.

Raymond looked at the medic candidate healers with love and opened his mouth.

"I sincerely appreciate your support. To start, you will be instructed in the fundamental and indispensable treatments required to care for our patients."

Time was limited, and there was no opportunity to delve into complex medical practices.

Raymond focused on teaching them simple yet essential procedures that aligned with modern Earth medicine-hemostasis, disinfection, bandaging, and the use of basic medications.

[Skill, 'Medic Command' is revealed!]

[Skill, 'Doctor's Charisma' is activated, conveying a warm sense of authority to your opponents!]

"There is one crucial aspect I want to emphasize to all of you-'the patient comes first.' Your purpose is to heal and restore. Leave your worries aside and concentrate solely on healing your patients."

'Huhu. I'll work hard to heal my patients and earn merit, even experience points!'

And with that, Raymond ended his speech on the note of 'For the sake of the patient!' It was a grim speech, but the lesser healers were impressed.

Thanks to the 'Doctor's Charisma' effect, they looked at Raymond with respect.

"I see. Only for the patient, just like the rumors."

"It was true, he lived his life for his patients, without any greed."

"Do you think we can follow his ideals?"

The junior healers were paralyzed.

Storks can't live next to a high, lofty ledge.

They admired Raymond's high-mindedness, but they were also worried. Just then, Hanson, the military superintendent, stepped forward.

"I am Hanson, the first apprentice of the renowned Penin Clinic, and I have been entrusted with the role of deputy commander of the Healing Corps. As the Master is preoccupied, I will practically oversee your activities from this point forward."

The junior healers looked at the blunt-faced Hanson and smirked.

They didn't feel too intimidated by his cute appearance.

But the next moment.

He snapped to attention.

"Those who are unwilling to serve the patients, please leave the barracks now."


The junior healers were stunned.

Even Raymond was surprised.

'No, what are you going to do?'

Hanson said in a strong tone.

"This place is a haven for the ailing, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the battlefield. It was established by the Master himself, at the behest of His Majesty the King. But let me warn you, the journey ahead is long and arduous. If you approach this endeavor with a light-hearted attitude, you will not endure. I implore you, please depart now."

A deadly silence filled the barracks.

Raymond's heart was pounding in his chest.

'What are we going to do if they really go?'

But Hanson, who would later become the Medical School's "instructor from hell," didn't just wield a whip.

He also offered a carrot.

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