Chapter 117

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Especially in a field like this.

The chances of success would diminish further.

'If I mess up, the wound in the blood vessel will get bigger, the bleeding will get worse, and he could die. What do I do?'

Two options lay before him.

The first was to tightly constrict the upper part of the arm, completely halting the blood flow.

While this measure would prevent further bleeding and potentially save Elmud's life, it would result in the loss of the arm due to the lack of blood supply.

The second option was to proceed with the risky surgery, despite the potential for aggravated bleeding.

Success could salvage Elmud's arm, but in the worst-case scenario, the procedure could worsen his condition and lead to fatal bleeding.

Neither choice presented an easy solution.


Elmud opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Ugh. Mr. R-Raymond, how did you end up here?"

He quickly realized what was going on, and blinked back tears.

"I... It's my fault. I apologize for causing you so much trouble once again, Mr. Raymond. I've strived so hard to become a knight you can be proud of, and yet, I've brought you more trouble..."

Raymond sighed heavily.

'You sweet potato.'

Frustrating from start to finish!

As much as he wanted to punch him in the face, he was a patient man and spoke up.

"I'll be brief: the wound on your arm is not looking good and we need to operate on it right now. However, if we operate..."

There's a chance it could fail, and in the worst case, he could die.

He explained the risks.

"...What happens if I don't have the surgery?"

"It won't be life-threatening, but you'll lose your arm."

Elmud replied quickly.

"I-I'll have the surgery."


"...I, I've sworn to be your sword, and for me, losing my arm is a terrible thing, worse than losing my life."

His voice trembled as he struggled to say each word.

But Elmud stared at Raymond with a gaze of intense determination.

'I would rather die than not be your sword!'

It was a look with such a difficult will.

'No, don't be my sword. I don't need it.'

Raymond said again, confused.

"Don't be like that..."


Elmud said in a straight voice.

"I trust you, Mr. Raymond."


"I trust you, so please do the surgery."

It was a voice of intense conviction, without the slightest hint of fear.

'...No, what do you trust me for?'

Raymond let out a troubled sigh.

With a patient that determined, there was only one option.

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