Chapter 60

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Christine spoke with a bitter look on her face.

"My healing power is B+. I am an advanced healer, but many patients cannot be cured even with this healing. A... No, I want to go beyond 'Double A', 'Triple A', 'S Class', and even 'SSS Class' to become the best healer on the continent and treat all my patients."

Raymond looked surprised.

The best healer on the continent!

Such was his goal.

Of course, their reasons were quite different, though.

'Well, I want to enjoy wealth and prosperity.'

"And there's another reason, too."

"What is it?"

"I also want to work with healers who care about their patients now."

She raised her eyes and looked straight at Raymond.

Her eyes were clear and deep as if she could see everything in the world.

"After I cleared up the misunderstanding, I had questions. Why do your patients love you so much? Why do your disciples have such deep respect for you? It is all because you care so deeply about your patients."


Raymond kept his mouth shut.

So what if only her eyes were clear and deep? She was not a good judge of people at all.

"... didn't you consider the art of medicine strange?"

"I don't mind if it's strange. If it only helps the patient.

Raymond looked puzzled.

It was an admirable cause, but still, it was difficult to make her an apprentice.

"Our Penin treatment center is not financially able to afford a healer as fine as the Princess."

Raymond then nailed it.

"I can hardly give you a salary even if you come in!"

No pay! It meant not to come, but it was a story that wouldn't work for Christine.

"I don't care about money."


Raymond fell quiet.

As expected, the princess of a rich family was strong.

'What's an excuse to kick her out?'

At that point, Christine said.

"If money is an issue, I can pay for my education."

"... education fee?'

"Yes, can I just pay 500 a month according to the professor's personal training fee?'


Raymond's eyes got bigger.

Five hundred pence a month!

It was too much money to turn down unnecessarily.

Moreover, if he took on another healer as an apprentice, he would have to pay 500 pence a month, even if the market rate was minimal, but he could use her without paying her.

He would get almost 1,000 pence a month!

'Come to think of it, being a princess, she's not showing off her status, and the duke allows her to do so, so it's okay, isn't it? The patients who originally saw her will follow her, so it will be good for sales.'

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