Chapter 171

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"How on earth does something like this happen?"

There were no clues. Then, Mevinson and Rao rushed in.



They wore puzzled expressions but brought unexpected news.

"The lords have come to visit!"


To his surprise, the Lords of Kran and Ranson, the two provinces where the original outbreak occurred, bowed their heads.

"We greet you, Commissioner."

"What brings you here?"

Raymond looked at them sternly.

They had previously declined assistance to prevent him from becoming the designated successor.

Not only that, but they hadn't informed him about the initial outbreak.

'If they had acted more promptly, we could have minimized the damage.'

Swift response in the early stages of any plague was crucial.

Raymond couldn't help but dwell on the lost golden time.

"What brings you here?"

They hesitated and then lowered their heads.


"Please help us resolve the epidemic in our territories!"

As anticipated, they came with a mission. However, Raymond didn't immediately nod.

He intended to address the epidemic, but there were matters to settle with these lords.

[Confirming the person's identity as a 'Jerk'!]

['Jerk Special Ability: Forcing to Play the Fool!' is activated!]

The perfect skill was activated at just the right moment.

Raymond began with image-making by shaking their hands.

Certainly, he acted kindly on the surface, but in his mind, he had other thoughts.

'I'm going to have to keep them on a tight leash indefinitely, so I'd better make sure to assert control this time.'

If these were individuals like Rothen and Krynn, he wouldn't have resorted to this.

But given their lack of trustworthiness, he decided to take this opportunity to reinforce the leash.

"Don't worry. As the Commissioner and a healer, it's my duty to resolve the epidemic."

"Thank you!"

The eyes of the two lords quivered.

Despite their initial hostility, when someone extended a hand like this, it was impossible not to feel a sense of connection.

Raymond's current attitude served as a means to bind them, a way to keep them on a leash.

Getting to the main point, Raymond addressed them.

"Of course, I'll assist you both, but there is one matter."

"What is it? Please tell us."

"The treatment fee."


Raymond maintained a puzzled expression.

"The Healing Tower insists that I charge a reasonable treatment fee, so I'll need to collect a fee from both of you."

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