Chapter 48

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{ Ariana's POV }

I was getting ready for my dinner with Y/n and my family but I was thinking about canceling it. I just felt like Y/n wasn't ready for it and I didn't want to push her to do something she didn't want to. To be honest I was kinda scared that she would ghost me and that's why I wanted to call her every minute that passed by.

And just like that Y/n called me and I immediately picked up, scared that she was gonna tell me she wasn't ready for this kind of commitment and that she would break this off because I scared her off like I always did in all my relationships.

"Hey baby. I'll be over now. I'm not ghosting you, okay? And I really do want to tell your family. You don't gotta be worried. I am ready for this and I want this. I really want this because I really want you." She said, killing off every doubt I just had.

I started sobbing and the call went silent for a second.

"Baby, are you crying?" She asked.

"No!" I sobbed out, thinking I could pretend to not be crying but I failed miserably.

"I'll be over in a bit Ariana." She said before hanging up.

Just like that she arrived five minutes later and I ran into her. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

{ Your POV }

I think me and Ariana rushed things. I was not ready for this. Not at all. Not only meeting her parents, but being commited to her. This was a mistake. Yes I loved her, maybe, but regardless of what I felt for her, I couldn't do this.

I was more or less okay with her neediness before our relationship. But now? I wanted to run away. I think sooner or later I'll do that. She was so perfect. She was everything anyone could ever dream of. She was in fact a dream, she wasn't real. There's no way she could be. She had to be an angel. But why the fuck I couldn't be with her was a question I would probably never get the answer to.

"I canceled the dinner with my family." Ariana said and I nearly sighed in relief.

But a part of me felt slightly bad for Ariana. I knew how much it meant to her.

"Why?" I asked.

"Maybe you need more time. I think I was moving too fast. I tend to do that a lot but I want us to last." Ariana explained.

If only she knew that nothing could make us last. At least not this time. Right now I can't.

"Can we just lay in bed and watch movies?" Ariana asked and I nodded my head.

"Of course." I smiled.

We laid in bed comfortably. She was laying in my arms as we watched star wars.

"I love you." She whispered and I hated the fact that my body cringed at those three words.

"I love you too." I said and I hated the fact that it felt like a lie, but it wasn't, it couldn't be.

She was cuddling me and honestly all I wanted to do was get up and run away. I was feeling some type of claustrophobia with her in my arms. I felt like I was being suffocated and locked away.

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