Chapter 7 - Movie date

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I didn't see him for a week. Was it my hope to run into Ishaan once more? Maybe.

My work was taking up all of my time. Nevertheless, Ishaan used to come to mind quite often. I was hesitant to add him as a friend, even though I had already stalked him on social media. I believe that men should initiate contact. That's how old fashioned I am. I had not heard from him again after that day. Since then, I have not heard from him. He had not received my phone number. He didn't enquire. I wondered if they had ever considered me. I shut down my computer on Friday, thrilled at the prospect of a weekend at last. My phone buzzed, and it was a strange number. A deep voice spoke from the other side.

"Hello, I hope your little feet have healed from your hard hiking," the caller says.

"I'm sorry, who is this?"

"Your driver," he said.


"Well, technically, I am your chauffeur since I gave you a ride."

My heart suddenly started to race. "Ishaan ? How did you manage to get my number?"

"I emotionally blackmailed Gaurav," he admitted.

I laughed a lot. "You weren't required to do it. You could have simply asked me."

"I'll bear this in mind the next time, hmm."

"What urgent situation led you to search for my phone number, then?"

My heart was beating faster with anticipation.

"Actually, I'm requesting a favour. I don't have anyone to go with me; I really want to see this movie."

"What happened to Gaurav?" I inquired.

He replied bemusedly. "Why would anyone agree to spend their valuable Friday night with me when they might be spending it with their girlfriends?"

"Then why don't you follow suit?" I teased.

"I'd love to, but I'm currently single and have no one to mingle with."

He didn't have a girlfriend at the time!!! My heart did a backflip.

"Will you please join me at the movie tonight?"

At this point, I had left the office and was travelling towards my house.

"Are you asking me out, Ishaan?" I laughed.

"No, I'm inviting you as a friend who will gladly accept an invitation from another friend."

I would have prefered the first option, but I agreed anyway. "Alright, I will go to the movies with you."

He chuckled, "That's awesome! Let's get together at your house in 20 minutes."

"No way! Keep it slow, my friend. I haven't yet arrived at my house, I need time to get ready."

"20 minutes," he said before hanging up.

I was still in awe of myself. "Why did I agree? Why did I start off by flirting with him? What's wrong with me?"

In some ways, he made me feel like a wild child again. I hastily gathered my best outfits. I looked through the stack, unsure of what to wear. I dressed in blue jeans and a white silk blouse. I quickly brushed my hair and made up my face as best I could. I was about to finish when the phone rang. When I opened the door, my heart briefly stopped. He looked stunning in a checked shirt and a pair of pants.

"To say that he is hot is an understatement. He is a raging inferno." I thought.

His smile was cute, and his eyes sparkled as I opened the door for him. Shweta had already arrived in the living room. When she first saw Ishaan,she flinched in shock.

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