Meeting the parents

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Six months later -

Aadya, Shweta, and Ishaan were gathered for brunch at this adorable cafe in Delhi, the aroma of coffee wafting through the air. Aadya had resigned from her workplace and had just returned to Delhi. Meanwhile, Ishaan had returned from New York, and it was not time to talk to their parents. They had no clue that Aadya was going to marry Ishaan.

"So when is the D day?" Shweta leans in, her eyes shining with curiosity.

Aadya exchanged a conspiratorial glance with Ishaan, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

"We are going to meet my parents today."

"That's wonderful!" Shweta then turned to face Ishaan with a mischievous smile and commented. "Hey Ishaan, I heard you propose to Aadya while in bed, naked."

Ishaan shifted in his seat, looking uneasy. "Come on, Aadya, we agreed not to share all the juicy details," he protested.

Shweta raised an eyebrow; her interest was clearly piqued. "Juicy details, you say? I'm all ears!"

Aadya couldn't help but chuckle. "She is my best friend, and girls share everything. I mean literally everything. "

Shweta nodded, and they high-fived.

Ishaan, looking slightly mortified, jumped in and said, "It's not like I planned it that way! The moment just felt right, and the ring was conveniently on the bedside table."

Shweta burst into laughter. "Ishaan, my man, you've just raised the bar for romantic proposals. Naked and spontaneous—truly a unique approach."

Aadya joined in the laughter, thoroughly enjoying Ishaan's discomfort. "He's a trendsetter; what can I say?"

Shweta wiped away an imaginary tear. "And here I thought candlelit dinners were the height of romance. Clearly, I need to update my playbook."

Aadya winked at Ishaan. "Maybe you should try the naked approach, Shweta. You might surprise yourself."

Shweta feigned shock. "I'm not sure the world is ready for that level of romance. But, speaking of surprises, I am pregnant." She announced.

"That's incredible news, Shweta! Congratulations to both of you. It looks like Pratap will have even more to handle now. And Om will have a playmate."

"Yeah, but I will be fat at your wedding," Shweta grumbled.

"There is still time for that. We still need to convince our parents."

"Your parents should not create a fuss. Mine is a different story." Ishaan interjected.

"Ishaan, your dad doesn't approve of me, isn't it?" Aadya asked.

"No," he simply replied.

Aadya was going to say something, but he interrupted her.

"And I don't want you to change his mind. There is no need to go the extra mile to impress him. He has his own biases and opinions, but that doesn't mean we have to let it affect us," Ishaan continued. "Our love should be enough, and we shouldn't let anyone else's approval define our happiness."

Aadya nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as she realised that Ishaan's unwavering support was all she needed.

"I will do nothing to get his approval. I do not envision myself as a television serial actress attempting to unite the entire family. But I would be nice to him whenever I get to meet him," she replied.

"You are always nice, Aadya. That's why I love you." He beamed.

"I have a feeling that Rishika doesn't like me either," Aadya added.

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