Tips From Me

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Before I leave this story fully I realized I might do something to motivate and/or give tips to writers that would like to start.

This too is my first story (completed that is) and I may not have a lot of tips but these I think are the main ones that helped me and also that you can follow yourself.

                       M Y        T I P S

1, R E A D
Reading other authors' work helps you extraordinary. It is one of the most effective ways to improve your writing skills. It won't only expand your vocabulary but also your grammar, you will also see how other writers structure their sentences and story. And the bonus is you can choose something that you will enjoy. 2 in 1.

2, G R A M M A R L Y
I mean c'mon grammar is a bitch. And when english isn't your first language then you are kind if in shitty situation since teachers are not always right.
You can get free help with your wording and grammar. You will become a pro at grammar in no time with it.

(Cheating? More like work smart not hard)

(I still make errors even by using grammarly so fuck me 💀)

3, N O T E S
Make notes dedicated to the story where you will write your characters (Name, age, looks, characteristics) and storyline. Put some photos there for the story vibe or how you want certain things to look. (Pinterest 😍) Also, write ideas and/or scenarios you want to use in the story. Had a random idea while in class or the middle of the night? WRITE IT DOWN. You don't have to use it but it's nice to have ideas when you don't know what to write.
To be honest I have the important things that need to happen written down. For other chapters that are between these, I simply freestyle with my written ideas and/or scenarios.

4, D E E P L
Deepl is a great website for writers whose English is not their first language. (Please avoid using Google Translator for whole sentences) Deepl is really great and will give you options for a particular sentence you want to translate.
And of course, it's not only for the ones whose English is not their first language.
(We both know I mean Italian, Russian etc. for mafia stories😏)

5, D U O L I N G O
Uh... For safety reasons. 😳 Duo doesn't like translators so watch out...


(I was made to include him)

(. . . _ _ _ . . .)

6, P A T I E N C E
Finished a chapter? Good! However, I would recommend leaving it for a day or two and getting back to it later to read through it before publishing. I did this numerous times and always found something I absolutely hated and didn't want to have in the chapter. Or on the other side, I added something I forgot.
Quality over quantity.

7, W R I T E
It's about practice. The more you write the more you will know what you are doing. It takes time like everything else in life. Don't rush and take your time.

8, S H A R E
Sharing your story is the best way to promote your story. Create TikTok which is extremely easy for gaining the views and attention of people. Or Instagram but we all know TikTok is the easiest way to get views these days.

And most Importantly enjoy what you are writing!




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