25 | Court

445 11 3

Sienna's POV

"Do I look good?" I stress while looking at my reflection in the mirror. I run my palms over my clothes over and over again to smooth them out.

Cheryl flicks my arm away. "Enough of this. You look fine as hell."

Two weeks went by since our little hanging out in the plant-filled diner. And right now I must face along with Alex a court and the judge's verdict. A week or so ago footage was found from the street where Alex was attacked. The faces are blurry which means that it is impossible to identify the 3 men. But the attack is clear enough.

"You know it's not that serious. Why is a court important?" I ask.

Cheryl laughs but stops when she sees I'm not laughing and mean it seriously. She meets my gaze through the mirror. "They attacked Alex and found you with drugs and beaten up Alex. I think that's serious."

I narrow my eyes.

She lifts her hands in surrender. "You are innocent. You don't need to worry. We will be there with you." She gives me her sweet smile.

I sigh. With 'we' she means parents of Kane and Alex, her, Kane and Dom. My parents won't attend. Hell, I don't know if they even know. Maybe just mom.

"Okay, get these away." She waves her hand around the top of my head as if shooing away my thoughts. After a short while, she stops. "Even though I believe in being fashionably late... I feel like this is not the time to be late in any way."

I nod in agreement. "Let's go."

We make our way outside Cheryl's house to her car. We ride to Kane's house where we are supposed to meet with others so we arrive at the same time.

I step outside once the car is parked. Natalie rushes to me in her long black dress and hugs me. "Oh, my child. How I missed you."

I smile and hug her back. "I missed you too."

Ethan, Dom, Alex, and Kane come to greet us.

"Lili just arrived at her friend's house. We can go." Ethan says while putting his phone in his dress pants pocket.

Natalie falls into a conversation with her husband and I take this time to look at Kane who meets my gaze immediately. He grins. "Hey." He comes closer.

I take in his dress pants which seem tight in some places... I gulp and avert my eyes to his upper half. A nice white dress shirt lays on his chest with the top two buttons unbuttoned.

"You look pretty," I say abruptly.

His chest shakes with laughter. "Why thank you. You look pretty too."

I blink and nod.

What the fuck was that.

"Okay! Everybody inside the car!" Natalie states loudly.

"Mom we won't fit into 1 car," Alex comments.

Kane pipes in quickly. "Sienna, Dominic, and Cheryl can go with me."

Natalie nods.

Alex glares at Kane. Kane laughs and shrugs his shoulders. "Have a nice ride with mom and dad and mom's new playlist, brother!" Kane says in a sing-song voice.

Alex puffs out a breath.

I smile at their little sibling interaction. Kane is finally forgiving Alex and starts to get his brother's point of view.

I feel a slight tug on my arm. I look up and meet a set of beautiful dark blue eyes. "Ready?"

I smile but decide not to answer him. I walk with Kane to his car.

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