Mania and the Demon World

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(3rd Person POV)

It was as simple as it had to be. A young girl, Mania, training in the small woods behind her village. She was punching a couple of trees' barks, ignoring the pain she felt in her knuckles. An orange cat watching from a distance observed the girl fondly. It was normal routine after an exhausting day of putting up with people's shit.

But then the scenery changed. It was dizzying, almost trip inducing. Mania looked around... where is she? Upon looking around she noticed a tall male with a green kimono, large demon horns, and large bat-like wings. Mania narrowed her eyes skeptically, taking a wary step forward towards the male.

The male suddenly snapped his fingers, and a pair of magic restraints kept Mania's arms in place. She yelped shocked before being engulfed in a bubble, yet she was still able to breathe. She looked around in a shocked panic before the scenery once again changed. Now she was flying over what looked to be a completely different world. Looking up, she saw a purple sky covered in clouds. Looking down, was a bunch of thorn covered branches. If this bubble popped, she was dead.

Mania heard what sounded to be someone talking in a foreign language. Looking up at the male imprisoning her, she noticed he was talking. However, the language barrier was tougher than concrete,

"Hey! Where are you taking me!? Who are you!?" Mania shouted at the man. Noticing the differing languages, the man snapped his fingers before he spoke again. This time, Mania could understand every word he said,

"Your sister has sold your soul to me." He explained. Mania stared blankly before groaning,

"Of course she would..." she mumbled. The man glanced at her for a moment before a building became visible to the duo. A large castle. It looked like they were about to crash into the wall. Mania shut her eyes tightly, anticipating an impact... but then,

"Welcome." The man said. Opening her eyes, Mania found herself kneeling on a tatami floor. Looking around, the interior she found herself in was akin to a typical Japanese home. She looked up at the man,

"So are you going to eat my soul?" Mania asked the man. In comparison to any sane person, Mania appeared to be accepting her would be demise. The man stared at Mania silently before shaking his head,

"No." He replied. Perplexed, Mania asked,

"No? Are ya just tricking me?" The man, once again, shook his head. This time, he elaborated,

"An... associate of mine has found you to be more beneficial than a mere snack." At that moment, a familiar orange blur ran past Mania and leapt onto the man's shoulders. Mania perked up noticing the familiar feline. It was the cat that was observing her previously. Only this time, the cat had small horns protruding from his head, his once lone tail now two. The man began speaking again,

"Garfield here has been observing you for a while. He has found your skills in combat to be impressive, skills that place you higher in comparison to your inferior kind." Mania couldn't help but look away rather bashfully. She hasn't been... complimented(?) on her skills before,

"Ok so... how does that make me beneficial?" Mania asked the man. Garfield leapt off of the man's shoulder and began nuzzling Mania. She silently began petting him as the man replied,

"I wish to train you. To become a very powerful being, far stronger than normal humans, and possibly even stronger than demons." Mania looked rather amazed at the suggestion, however she could see right through the man,

"That isn't the only reason, is it?"

"" The man sighed, "You see, I left my children and ex-wife, after a long time of mistreatment. I know there's no coming back from everything I did to them... but I still wish to start anew."

" you're basically adopting me?"

"...basically." The man shrugged, "In summary, you have two options. Either I take you in and train you, or you can be left to the mercy of the rest of the demons." Mania chuckled a little,

"Hemmetti, what a dilemma! I don't know what to choose!" She proclaimed sarcastically. The man just stared at her with slight annoyance as Mania sighed,

"Alright alright I don't mind you taking me in. Can't be as bad as the human world." She shrugged. The man smiled slightly before offering his hand to Mania,

"I am Yusuke, or Yu for short." Mania stared at his hand and smiled as she shook it,

"Mania Villi. Nice to meet you."

To be continued...

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