Let's Try This Again

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(A/N: My art)

(3rd Person POV)

Eventually, news spread like wildfire; the school was back to normal! Mania, upon hearing the news, happily rushed out once the morning arose. However, once she got to the gates, she paused confused,

"Wh- what the? Why are all of the Battlers still set up?"

"You see, Mania," Yusuke suddenly said beside her. When did he get there?

"The Shadow incident happened all during the Pre-Party. And that means...?" He raised an eyebrow, expecting Mania to finish,

"There's still the main event!" Mania's eyes widened in joy. She grinned and bounced on her heels before pausing to look at Yusuke,

"Wait, are you sure you wanna come, Isä? I know you don't do well with big crowds." She asked. Yusuke nodded with a hum,

"I've never actually participated in the Battler party during my days at Babyls. It couldn't hurt to have a look." He shrugged. Mania nodded until he added,

"Plus this is a moment to show that witch I can be a good parent."

"Kinda weird you're calling Ms. Hoshi a witch as an insult when I'm literally a witch." Mania mentioned. Yusuke simply shrugged in reply as he and Mania entered the courtyard. Mania looked around curiously before a masked demon suddenly appeared in front of her,

"W-Woah!" She stumbled back surprised. The demon giggled playfully as Kokichi peeked out from behind the demon with a grin,


"Kokichi!" Mania laughed surprised as the short demon hugged her,

"Great to see you in one piece! I was worried you wouldn't come back!"

"Don't be ridiculous." Mania pat Kokichi on the back before looking at the masked demon,

"Are they a member of DICE?" She asked. Kokichi pulled away and nodded with a grin,

"Yup! Not everyone could come, but the ten most important members have arrived! Me included!" Kokichi grinned happily. Mania nodded with a giggle before a demon wolf suddenly approached her, sniffing her curiously. Mania yelped and stumbled backwards,

"Wh- who let a wolf inside!?"

"Gonta did!" Gonta suddenly scooped Mania and Kokichi up with a smile, "Mania, Kokichi, meet Gonta's parents!" Another wolf joined the first and stared at the two purple people. Mania sulked,

"Ohhhh that explains so much..." she then scrambled out of Gonta's grip,

"N-Nice to meet you both." She said. The wolves nodded. Yusuke cleared his throat,

"M-Maybe it would be wise to keep them out of trouble." He advised. Gonta smiled,

"No worry, Mania's dad! Gonta and Gonta's parents stick together like pack!"

"Right..." Yusuke sighed as Mania shrugged,

"I'm gonna go see everyone else." She said with a smile. Kokichi and Gonta nodded,

"Nihihi! Have fun Mania! I'm gonna hang out with DICE!"

"Gonta's parents want food." Mania nodded awkwardly as she and Yusuke walked away.


Mania watched with a soft chuckle as Ibuki and Leon played music at their Battler. Leon had definitely improved a lot, but still wasn't that good. Once their performance concluded, demons clapped. Leon walked off stage as Mania chuckled,

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