Bonding with your Familiar

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(3rd Person POV)

It was early in the morning. There was likely a solid hour or two before school started. A green haired adult was walking towards the school, a happy grin on his face, holding a small book in his arms. He excitedly looked up at the large academy,

"This must be..." he spoke aloud, "the Babyls that I've long dreamed of!"


Mania and Daiya were reading together before classes began. They were on the tenth manga in the Fruits Basket series at this point. However, the events of the previous day were still fresh in Mania's mind. The one sided argument against Phoebe repeated in her head like a broken record. Therefore, her tone while reading was slightly apprehensive, and Daiya had noticed,


"Hm?" Mania paused the reading to look up at Daiya. He was braiding her hair again as well,

"Is everything ok? You don't sound too happy." He asked, though both knew he phrased it more as a statement. Mania sighed and stared at the current scene they were reading,

"It's nothin important." She lied. Daiya raised an eyebrow,

"Really? I heard you had the Execution Cannonball promotion exam yesterday."

"...Mondo." Mania thought with a sigh. She closed the manga and set it down on the desk,

"Well, my team lost, but that ain't what I'm all pissy about." Mania explained,

"Ya sure?"

"Positive." Mania huffed at Daiya's retort. She paused for a moment to collect herself. She then sighed and rubbed the back of her neck,

"I dunno if Mondo told ya, but me and Galaxy Bra- I mean Phoebe, were the last two during the match."

"Oh yeah he told me. He said Phoebe said somethin that got ya upset?" Daiya asked as he finished braiding Mania's hair,

"Yea." Mania sighed, becoming angered at the memory, "The stuff she said... it... reminded me of... my sister."

"The one that sold your soul?" Daiya asked surprised. Mania only replied with a nod,

"Damn..." Daiya muttered, "No wonder you're so pissed. If it were me I would've nearly punched her, or at the very least cussed her out."

"The very least is doing nothing." Mania scoffed, "I wanted to do both of those but I was just... frozen."

"No one can fault you for that. I can't imagine how it would feel if my classmate started talkin like my old man." Daiya sighed, putting the manga away. The bell then rang before Mania could speak,

"Oh! You better head back to class Mania." Daiya told the first-year, "We can read the other manga when you get back! Y'know, the one you like?" Mania couldn't help but smile at Daiya's compromise,

"Alright. Thanks Daiya." Mania replied as she stood up, quickly leaving the classroom so she could arrive to class on time.


Everyone else was seated when Mania arrived. She noticed Phoebe smiling at her, as if the previous day never happened. Mania sneered annoyed before sitting beside Mondo, much to the delight of the aforementioned classmate,

"I see you were hanging out with Dai again." Mondo told Mania in a whisper, smiling. Mania chuckled a little,

"Yeahhhh..." she admitted with a grin, knowing she couldn't refute. Considering the braid Daiya made in her hair was still there. Mondo smiled and lightly pat Mania on the head right when the teacher walked in. However, instead of it being Kalego, it was a green adorned young adult. He certainly looked much younger than Kalego, at least,

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