Sibling Fighting

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(A/N: Little doodle belongs to Tea0-0stache )
(Also this takes place roughly in the same timeframe as the previous chapter)

(3rd Person POV)

Mania had forgotten to meet with Daiya after school, unfortunately. However she promised herself that she'd make it up to Daiya tomorrow. So when tomorrow came, she was ready for whatever would come. Taking her bag from Yusuke, Mania was about to leave,

"Ah, a moment Mania." Yusuke stopped his apprentice. Mania turned to looked at Yusuke confused as he handed her a demon looking phone,

"Here. It took me a while to get my hands on this, but it's best if you hold onto a phone for safety." He explained. Mania nodded as she took the phone, putting it in her pocket,

"Thanks Yu." She hummed, turning to walk off again,


"Hm?" Mania glanced over at Yusuke,

"...Would you ever want to return to the human world?" Yusuke asked. Mania stared at Yusuke confused before replying,

"No. I'm happy here with you and my classmates."

"I see." Yusuke smiled a little, "Have a good day."

"Thanks Yu!" Mania waved goodbye before leaving. She thought about Yusuke's question again. Why would he ask that? He's seen how happy Mania's been ever since her soul was sold to him. Ah well, her decision is firm and it won't be changing anytime soon.

It wasn't long before Mania encountered a classmate along her path. This time it was Chihiro,

"Good morning Mania."

"Morning Chihiro." Mania chuckled, "Whats with all of you running into me?"

"I don't know." Chihiro giggled, "I just decided to join you today."

"Alright." Mania hummed with a smile. The two proceeded to walk down the path. The school was in sight as it was slowly but surely getting closer and closer. Mania hummed a little thinking to herself. She wouldn't mind actually hanging out with the other misfits sometime. Chihiro looked a bit solemn, and Mania noticed,

"Everything okay Chihiro?"

"Y-Yeah!" They replied before looking down, "It's just... you and the others are so strong... and I'm just... weak."

"I'm sure that's not true." Mania refuted,

"You all have such cool powers!" Chihiro spoke, "And I... I just have telekinesis..."

"Are... are you fucking with me?" Mania asked with a confused laugh. Chihiro looked at Mania, confused by what she meant,

"Telekinesis is probably one of the strongest powers! You can lift large objects, people, stuff like that!" Mania proclaimed. Chihiro shook their head and sighed,

"I can only lift small objects like pens and books... I've tried lifting bigger stuff like large textbooks and rocks but... I always end up having a headache afterwards."

"Well, have you tried training your magic?" Mania asked. Chihiro looked at Mania surprised,

"I-I never even considered that! Is it possible?"

"I'm sure it is." Mania smiled, "You just need a good motivator, someone who'll help train you."

"Hm... good idea! I'll see if one of our classmates will be willing to help!" Chihiro replied with a smile. Mania nodded with a chuckle as they got to Babyls,

"Mania!" A voice exclaimed. Looking ahead, Mania saw Daiya waving to her happily,

"I'll meet you at class Chi." Mania told Chihiro before running over to Daiya. Upon getting closer to Daiya, the gang leader ruffled Mania's hair,

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