The Second Chance Battlers?

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(3rd Person POV)

The misfit class arrived at the Battler Tower. Inside was what appeared to be the entire student body. A lot of upperclassmen were handing out flyers to the first years. There were a lot of offers going around,

"Wow, this is impressive." Mania chuckled softly,

"Damn right it is!" Miu suddenly interjected, appearing beside Ibuki. She flaunted a flyer handed to her by the seduction teacher, Raim,

"I'm giving this class another shot!"

"Meow Meow just wants to flirt with Ibuki." Ibuki giggled as she booped Miu on the nose. Miu blushed and shoved Ibuki,

"Oh hush! Is it so wrong that I wanna be the best fucking girlfriend you've ever had?" She boasted. Mania silently drifted away from the romance talk. Following behind her was Gonta,

"Gonta think there are too many Battlers."

"I agree big guy." Mania hummed. It was then that some of their classmates gathered around to talk,

"Have you guys made any decisions yet?" Leon asked. Both Gonta and Mania shook their heads, others shrugged or similarly were left clueless,

"Ha! Indecisive fools!" Gundham exclaimed, "I have found tremendously beneficial Battler group options for myself! The Magic Beast Forest Battler and the Black Magic Battler! I have yet to decide, but this is a point you all must follow!" His hamster like pets appeared out of his scarf as Gundham grinned pridefully,

"You must take these trials seriously! They are vital to raising your ranks to the best they could be!" Mania couldn't help but smile a little,

"He's right. If I wanna get stronger, I gotta find the best group for me." Just then, Mondo and Taka joined the group. Mondo grinned as he held up a flyer,

"I got invited to a pretty interestin Battler group. The Endurance Battlers. Apparently they've got what it takes to survive the toughest shit! I was made for that!"

"Ha!" Taka laughed sarcastically, "If only your temper was as durable as your body."

"Oh and yer so durable yerself, bossy pants?!" Mondo snapped back,

"I certainly have more durability than you."

"Oh yeah?!"

"Guys!" Mania exclaimed, catching everyone off guard. Mania scoffed as she facepalmed,

"Honestly, if you two are so adamant on proving you're better at endurance, then put it to the test instead of going back and forth like this! What is this, the fourth time now?!"

"What do you propose, Mania?" Taka asked,

"I dunno." Mania shrugged, "Go into a... sauna or somethin. See how long you two can last in there. Whoever doesn't pass out wins."

"Ha! Great idea Mania!" Mondo went over to Mania and ruffled her hair. Mania chuckled a little as Taka sighed,

"I will concede to this contest. I must agree it is more civil than arguing like children."

"We'll do it after school!" Mondo grinned,

"For once we agree on something." Taka chuckled a little. Leon decided to hold bets on who would win the contest as everyone else joined in. It seemed their focus had quickly deviated from the current situation. Mania shrugged and decided to explore the halls. There were tons of offers being thrown out, but none appeased to Mania. They either didn't interest her at all, or not enough,

"Finding the right Battler is harder than I thought." Mania thought. Just then, she noticed a trio of demons up ahead. She paused to listen to their conversation,

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