Raising your Rank

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(3rd Person POV)

It was nearing the end of the school day. The sun hadn't begun to set just yet. Despite that, one person was making their way down to the lowest level of Babyls, the gym field. Being held up by support rocks beneath it, there existed a large platform with what looked to be a field akin to that of a standard human gym set up. The way to it was a bunch of rocks in the formation of large steps.

The demon that arrived onto the field picked up a lone green and purple ball with the school emblem on it. She bounced it a few times before humming,

"The promotion exam is in one week." She said out loud, "We're playing Execution Cannonball." She tossed the ball with a hum,

"I'll have to train. If I'm unlucky, Mania or Mondo will be against me." She then bit her thumb,

"Moon Spirit!" She proclaimed, summoning a rather exquisite spirit of purple hue. The spirit wore a long, flowing cloak, and a very casual wear underneath. Upon opening his eyes, the spirit beamed,

"Phoebe! Why did you summon me?" He asked his demon compadre. Phoebe smiled as she pat the spirit on the head,

"We're gonna play a round or two of Execution Cannonball! Think you can summon some dummies we can practice on?" She explained. The spirit nodded happily before creating a bunch of dummies in varying body shapes,

"These should reflect your classmates right?"

"That's perfect!" Phoebe congratulated her familiar. The spirit giggled before flying to the other side of the field, picking up the ball,

"Don't be mad when I beat you~" he taunted. Phoebe giggled deviously,

"Aww sore loser already?~" the two grinned before they began throwing the ball at each other.

Due to there only being one, the spirit created many more so the game could be more exciting. The two threw, dodged, and hit the other team. They both laughed joyfully at the experience. If only the game was truly as fun as this.

The moon spirit then accidentally threw the ball a bit too hard, causing it to fly far past Phoebe,

"Oh shoot! Sorry Pheeb!"

"It's alright, I'll go get it Moony!" Phoebe replied, flying after the ball. When she got close she put her hands out about to grab it. That is, until, a pair of purple heels clicked onto the scene and picked up the ball. Phoebe paused before staring at the person who had the ball in her hands,

"Well well Galaxy Brat. Looks like you're playing a very boring game of dodgeball." She said with a grin. Phoebe became slightly annoyed at the insensitive nickname being repeated,

"I'm just training for the promotion exam." She replied,

"Promotion exam?" Mania questioned. Phoebe perked up before smiling slightly,

"Oh! Let me explain! In one week, we will be subjected to our first promotion exam, Execution Cannonball! Whoever wins gets to raise their rank!" She spoke happily. Mania nodded a little,

"So you're tryna get some practice rounds in." She determined. Phoebe nodded with a smile,

"Yeah! So I—" she froze when she noticed Mania throw the ball with intense force, purposefully missing Phoebe by a hair. Phoebe turned to see the ball destroy one of the moon spirit's dummies,

"Oh shoot!"

"Then..." Mania stepped closer to Phoebe, "Why don't we play a game together then?" She seemed especially agitated today, more so than normal. In comparison to the morning prior to lunch, she was happy. Come to think of it, when did Mania get her hair braided?

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