Familiars Summoned

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(3rd Person POV)

The first day went by unusually quickly, much to Mania's surprise. Well, that might be due to the fact that a fight happened outside that she unfortunately couldn't see much of, due to the crowd. However, she did recognize the fighters as the two she saw arguing in the hall earlier.

When Mania returned home, Yusuke was more than relieved to see her in one piece. After treating her to some food, the two went right back to training. Once training had concluded, Yusuke finally began asking questions,

"So did anything bother you while you were there? Any students giving you a hard time?"

"Nope." Mania hummed, "I did make a friend though."

"...a friend?" Yusuke stared at Mania dumbfounded, "Whats a... friend?" Mania looked over at Yusuke and smiled,

"Ah right, he called me an ally. Is there a difference?"

"...uh... I wouldn't know..." Yusuke muttered in reply, "I don't exactly have many... allies." Mania nodded with a hum,

"Well, nothing interested happened aside from that. There was a fight going on but I couldn't see much of it, sadly." She chuckled a little before Yusuke's glare silenced her,

"You should do your best to avoid getting into a fight yourself, Mania." He warned her,

"I know I know." Mania chuckled, rolling her eyes, "I'm heading to my room."

"Suit yourself. Remember to come down for dinner." Yusuke said as Mania left the dojo.

~~The next day~~

Mania made her way down the path once again. Upon arriving at the academy again, she was met with a surprising sight,

"Goooooood morning Mania!" Kokichi exclaimed, standing at the archway and waving to her. Mania chuckled a little and ran over to him,

"Mornin Kokichi. What's the plan for today?" She asked the mischievous demon. Kokichi snickered a little,

"Apparently the stick in the mud Kalego is gonna teach us how to summon our familiars!" He exclaimed excitedly. Mania's smiling face went blank,

"...oh." Being a studier of the occult, Mania knew full well what a human summoning a familiar entails. Kokichi was, of course, none the wiser. He grabbed Mania's arm and happily dragged her to the classroom.


Upon entering the classroom, Mania and Kokichi found themselves surrounded by other students. Kokichi left Mania alone to bother other clueless classmates as Mania looked around. She raised an eyebrow when she noticed a demon standing off to the side. It was the same demon that had challenged the goody two shoes demon to a fight yesterday. Mania did not fail to notice the obvious pompadour he wore upon his head.

Noticing Mania staring at him, the demon turned his head to glare at her. Mania just shrugged nonchalantly before a loud noise was heard behind her. Flinching in surprise, Mania leapt back before looking at the doors. Walking into the classroom was a teacher. He had purple hair and a purple uniform, and Mania became anxious upon recognizing the intimidating aura,

"This must be Kalego..." she thought to herself,

"Silence." Was all Kalego said. Everyone watched as he walked to the middle of the room and turned around, addressing the crowd,

"I am Naberius Kalego, your advisor. I am always in charge of this ritual. Why? Because I am dignified at all times." Aaaand Mania is already losing her respect for this man,

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