The Rookie Hunt

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(3rd Person POV)

Mania and Daiya were reading Assassination Classroom, as promised. The interaction made Mania very happy, and Daiya was happy for her. While they read though, the situation presented for the characters in the manga stuck out to Daiya,

"They have to kill their teacher? But they're just humans."

"That's why he's training them to be assassins." Mania explained, "It's their goal to kill him otherwise the world will be destroyed."

"Their goal huh?" Daiya tilted his head. Mania nodded as she was about to continue reading. However, Daiya tapped his cane once to get her attention,

"Mania, may I ask you a question?"

"Well, you just did." Mania replied with a giggle. Daiya chuckled as well as he continued,

"Whatever. So... what is your goal?"

"Hm?" Mania perked up perplexed,

"Your goal. Like, what do you aim to accomplish?" Daiya elaborated,

"I know what a goal is smartypants." Mania snickered. She then paused to think for a moment. Her goal...

"Well... at first... my only goal was to escape my sister..." Mania answered in a low voice, tapping her chin,

"But since you're here now, that goal is basically accomplished." Daiya concluded. Mania nodded as she sighed,

"For now, I wanna try and live as peacefully as I can here. This world is so much better than the human world, and I've met a ton of great people, including you Daiya!"

"Aww you flatter me." Daiya joked with a chuckle, "But, don't you think that's a pretty simple goal?"

"Yeah." Mania nodded in agreement. She tapped her chin for a moment before it clicked in her head. She beamed and she slammed her hands onto Daiya's desk,

"I've got it! My new goal..." Daiya watched Mania amused yet curious as she stared at him with an eccentric grin,

"Is to be the best occultist this world has ever fucking known!!" She exclaimed proudly. Daiya whistled and clapped in response,

"A wonderful goal! I'm sure you'll achieve it in no time!" Mania grinned happily before an ominous bell rang throughout the halls,

"Huh? What was that?" Mania questioned. Daiya looked outside before quickly grabbing a flyer from a nearby shelf,

"They're doing the Rookie Hunt. Here, this'll explain more." Daiya handed Mania the flyer, "I've gotta go round up the other Crazy Diamonds. One of your classmates should be able to explain in better detail than I could."

"Alright, see ya later Daiya!" Mania waved goodbye as she left the room.


Mania wandered around the halls, confused at the lack of people, as she arrived at the first year cafeteria. She looked at the flyer Daiya handed her again. It had a group of red and blue silhouette demons drawn on with the text: "Battlers! Join us, new students!"

"This barely answers my questions." Mania muttered,

"Is something wrong, Mania?" A familiar voice asked. Looking up, Mania saw Taka eating a snack from the vendor. Hiro was standing by him too. Maia blinked surprised and smiled,

"Hey you two. Uh, do either of you know what... Battlers are?" She asked. Taka stared confused as Hiro approached Mania, looking at the flyer before explaining,

"Oh yeah! They're groups that focus on raising ranks! Students with similar interests and junk get together and hang out!" Mania nodded interested as she stared at the flyer. Taka then approached and began to elaborate,

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