Cutthroat Valley

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(3rd Person POV)

"Tch...!" Mondo gripped a rock tightly, nearly being flown back by a strong wind,

"This is more like it!" He exclaimed excitedly, "This damn valley might be deadly as shit, but it's hella short!" He powered through against the intense wind with a confident grin,

"That's why everyone that wants to be the next Demon King should go through Cutthroat Valley to earn their ranks! Who gives a damn about some stupid guardian? I'll kill the fucking thing myself!" He thought as he used the rocks around him to push forward.

Mania had been following behind Mondo, grabbing onto rocks and crawling against the wind as to not be blown away like a piece of paper. She watched him worriedly,

"He's such a moron..." she muttered. The duo faced more challenges during their path, such as a waterfall they had to climb up, and a tornado that sucked them into a cave. It was all very rigorous as Mania ended up falling far behind Mondo.

Mondo found himself on a soft bed... sticks and foliage, as he climbed up the mountain exhausted. The mountain was home to both the soft ground and a cave. He took a moment to regain his energy and gain some breath before he spread his wings and continued flying. Unbeknownst to him, a monster, that was perceived as the cave, opened its glowing red eyes. It then spread its wings before following Mondo angrily.


Mania panted as she ended up leaning against a rock. She was both exhausted and annoyed, having lost track of Mondo. As she looked around for any sign of the pompadour demon, a loud yet pained screech was heard above her. Flinching, Mania looked up to notice a... nest,

"Huh... that's odd..." she carefully climbed up the mountain, finding herself face to face with the nest. She hauled herself onto the oddly comforting nest before noticing something beside her,

"Oh. That's a skull." She said rather calmly. The screeching sound was heard again, this time much closer. Mania sat up before being face to face with a large monster bird. The bird screeched over and over as it leaned its head towards Mania. She watched confused,

"Is that the guardian? It's way too small, it's child maybe?" She questioned. The bird then fell over before recovering with a pained screech, lifting one of its legs. Mania's eyes widened noticing a large cut on the bird's leg,

"Oh crap... you're injured..." she said sympathetically. The bird screeched at her as she hummed,

"Poor thing... you must be scared shitless." She tapped her chin as she watched the bird attempt to put its leg down, only to lift it up in pain,

"No wonder your emokasvi is so moody. It wants to protect you while you heal... I wish I could help. But what can I do... I'm only a..." Mania muttered under her breath. It then clicked in her head,

"Human... that's it!" She stood up and looked at the bird monster. It stared at her warily,

"I can heal you. Please don't be scared." She told it. She grabbed a nearby sharp twig and made a cut across her palm. The bird stared at her before hesitantly sticking its leg out for her,

"Thank you." She said. Mania then approached the bird and carefully held her hand over the leg. The moment a few drops of her blood fell into the wound, it closed up like magic. The bird lifted its leg surprised before chirping happily. It nuzzled Mania as a thanks,

"Hehe, no problem. Don't worry." She told it. She then looked around,

"I need to get moving now ok? Your emokasvi must've gone after Mondo right? Did you see where they went?" She asked the bird. The bird nodded before it used its wing to point ahead,

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