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(3rd Person POV)

After getting their permission slips signed, Kokichi, Gonta, and Mania made their way back to the school, heading right to the Second Chance Battler's room. Each of them had their pajamas on hand,

"Nihihihi! This'll be fun!" Kokichi exclaimed,

"Yeah..." Mania chuckled softly. She never got the chance to stay overnight at anyplace, let alone school with her friends. Gonta was bouncing up and down as he walked, speeding ahead of the two tiny purple friends,

"Gonta so excited!" He exclaimed. Kokichi and Mania simply chuckled before the trio arrived at the doors. Celthin excitedly opened the doors before they could even knock,

"Come in come in!" He announced, joy overflowing from his demeanor, "I already have a beta script ready!" The trio entered the room,

"Wow, it's much more organized now." Mania stated, noticing how the stuff that was previously sprawled out across the floor had been carefully organized and rearranged,

"O-Oh yeah!" Celthin smiled sheepishly, "You see... I got so excited at the prospect of you three staying overnight, I started cleaning up without thinking!" He explained. Mania nodded understanding as Kokichi bounced over to Celthin,

"Well what're we waiting for then! Show us the script Celthin!" He exclaimed. Celthin smiled at Kokichi before walking off to a desk. He grabbed a wad of paper which had been merged together into one huge script,

"Here you go." Celthin said before handing the paper to the trio. Mania was the first to grab it.

The script had the title of "One Final Goodbye", authored by Celthin, with co-authors Kokichi, Mania, and Gonta. Reading over the script, the trio found themselves entranced by the beautiful story.

The story told of a young, gender neutral protagonist, facing a life of seemingly easygoing joy. Yet under the surface lie a pressure of perfection, the protagonist's saving grace being their best friend, whom they've known for almost 10 years. Yet an antagonist, the protagonist's own family no less, strives to ruin their life. The protagonist and support fight against the antagonist valiantly, the story ending with the antagonist being taken down, with a determined farewell to the past from the protagonist,

"...woah..." Mania finally muttered amazed. Gonta smiled from ear to ear,

"Gonta love the story Celthin made!" He announced. Celthin's smile turned into relieved joy,

"I'm so happy you like it! Is there any critique you'd all like to give?"

"I don't see a problem with it." Mania replied. Kokichi and Gonta nodded in agreement,

"In that case..." Celthin announced, "It's time to rehearse!"


It took a long time during the hours of the night. Eventually, a plan had arose.

Mania would play the role of the antagonist, Gonta would be the support, and Kokichi would be the protagonist. Celthin's shadows would play the role of special effects and background characters. It was a long and arduous process. Many retakes, flubbed lines, and scolding (mostly towards Gonta) overtook the quadrio. But eventually, with teamwork at a record high, they reached a victory,

"*Cough*, ugh... p-protag... cmon, I'm your family..." Mania acted out, Celthin's shadows acting as fake wounds on her. Kokichi stared down at Mania,

"You hurt me. You've hurt me many times." He stated dramatically, "I won't stand by and let you hurt me anymore. This is my goodbye to you, sibling. I am moving on." He raised a fake sword before "slashing" Mania. Mania acted out being given a fatal blow, and collapsed. It was silent for a few minutes before the four cheered,

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