Lessons and Experiments

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(3rd Person POV)

"Augh! *Cough* Tch..." Mania was flown to the floor and groaned attempting to recover. Yusuke had calmly approached her, lightly jabbing her in the side,

"Stand." He demanded. Mania paused for a moment. Suddenly she grinned before grabbing Yusuke's leg and dashing under him. The surprise from the action left Yusuke vulnerable to the attack as he fell over with an "oof!". Mania then turned on her heel and attempted to attack Yusuke. However, the demon was far quicker than she, as Yusuke recovered and quickly grabbed Mania's wrist to halt her strike. The two stared at each other with grimace, expecting the other to make a move. However, nothing happened.

The glares then turned into calm expressions as Yusuke released Mania's wrist,

"Good job." He told her, "That shall conclude our training for the day." Yusuke walked off to grab his discarded kimono, which he had forgone in order to not be tangled during training. Mania was left in her usual attire so she didn't have to move. However, she groaned, stretching slightly,

"I don't get the point of this training. I already know how to defend myself Yusuke." She complained. Yusuke sighed as he tied his kimono together,

"Yes that is true, but as you've seen from my demonstration, demons are much faster and stronger than humans. By training you, I hope for you to become more intuitive, should the need for combat arise." He explained. Mania listened with a hum as she ruffled her hair,

"Well if that's the case, why don't we train up on my ritual skills too?"

"Ah... those blood rituals." Yusuke muttered concerned, "Mania, it would be wise for you to not use that little... power of yours, around other demons."

"What? Why??" Mania asked annoyed. Yusuke turned to her and raised an eyebrow,

"Demons might be able to sense your blood being human. It's a risk neither of us should be willing to take, do you understand?" Mania pouted staring at her newfound demonic guardian before she groaned,

"Okay daaaaad!" She exclaimed, leaving the room. Once the sound of Mania's indignant steps became much quieter, Yusuke sighed and quietly rubbed his knuckles,

"Dad..." he muttered longingly. The title confounded him, considering his incapability to be a father previously. However, his thoughts were interrupted by his feline companion meowing loudly through the door,

"Oh Garfield... what shall I do with you..." Yusuke muttered, opening the door. Garfield ran inside with something familiar in his mouth. A hair tie, Yusuke's hair tie that is. Yusuke stared at Garfield unamused before sighing, kneeling down on the training mats,

"A new year at Babyls Academy is starting soon." Yusuke spoke to Garfield, like he was a real person. Garfield just made a chirp-like sound in response as he played with Yusuke's hair tie,

"You've told me Mania had a... less than ideal life in her world. Maybe this school could give her a second chance."


"Ah you're right..." Yusuke hummed, "She might run into them... well... hopefully things won't turn out horribly. If Mania is to become stronger, then enrolling her in Babyls is an ideal solution."


"I know it will take some time. I'm willing to work patiently." Yusuke declared confidently. Garfield just continued to play with the hair tie.


Mania made her way up the stairs of the home. While the outside appeared as any ordinary castle, the interior was akin to that of fantasy. Multiple different rooms with different designs and the like. The dojo and room Mania previously found herself in where only a fraction of the beautiful home. Yusuke said previously that the rooms were formed with magic, and some locations on higher floors aren't even constructed. Well luckily for Mania, her newly constructed bedroom was on the top floor. Well, top as in currently built top. She wasn't lucky enough to have a tower room (I know, tragic).

Mania entered her room and took a moment to breath a sigh of annoyance. No rituals? Laaaame! She made her way around the room before finding exactly what she needed; entire stacks of sticky notes, a blank notebook, and lovely pens. Mania's grin turned from happy to sly. Her memories of drawing ritual circles hadn't left her mind yet, and so Mania got to work. On the last couple of pages of the notebook, Mania drew up all of the ritual circles she found online and in books, years and months prior. Doodling them over and over made her muscle memory tougher than gamma.

Mania then closed the notebook and grabbed a single sticky note. Without even glancing at the pages, Mania drew one singular ritual circle, on the wrong side of the sticky note too. She then chuckled slyly,

"And the finishing touch..." Mania carefully pricked her arm with a pen, enough for a singular drop of blood. She then stuck the sticky note over the pricked skin, the blood seeping onto the sticky note, where the ritual circle was printed. Mania then muttered a routine summoning phrase under her breath, perking up when she noticed spirits appear. Not from the ground, no, but from thin air, surrounding her arm before flying around freely. She couldn't help but smile surprised,

"Holy shit that worked..." she muttered amazed. She then concluded the ritual, taking the sticky note off as the spirits vanished just like they arrived. Mania then noticed the sticky note crumble to ash, as if being burnt. And in fact, Mania noticed a small purple flame on the remains of the sticky note, of which she stamped out with her foot,

"Hm..." she hummed, noticing a small drop in her energy, "So the longer I wield you guys, the more exhausted I become..." Mania muttered. She smiled at the conclusion,

"That's fine. I'll just continue practicing then." She said a bit louder. She put everything away before changing into some more comfortable sleep appropriate clothes (don't ask why those are there), and laying down in her rather large bed.

Mania wasn't used to having such a large and comfortable bed. The small bed with sprawled out sheets was what Mania slept in almost all her life. However, she wasn't one to complain about a massive improvement. Becoming cozy underneath the covers, Mania closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep.

Yusuke had silently poked his head into the room moments later. Noticing Mania's slumber, he smiled, silently turning off the lights before closing the door. He found his new human apprentice intriguing. He knew she was studying up on rituals behind his back, but he didn't have the forefront to care. Rather, he was impressed by the amount of dedication and stubbornness Mania had,

"I suppose... being a guardian to this human won't be too bad." He silently concluded with a chuckle. He hoped to see signs of improvement from the human in the future. Most notably, when Mania attends Babyls Academy.

To be continued...

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