Unleash the Magic

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(A/N: Stfu abt MLP, EGQ has some banger songs and this one fits well with the chapter)

(3rd Person POV)

Once Celthin created the kaiju shadow, he created a wall in front of the stage, making it so no one could see in, and neither individual could see out. Phoebe managed to free herself from the ropes and stood up, ready to attack,

"What's the meaning of this?! You think I can't take you on myself?!" She asked, preparing a light attack. Celthin sighed,

"No no, I have full confidence in you, Phoebe." He said calmly. Phoebe froze with her eyes wide,

"H-How do you know my name?" She asked warily. Celthin turned to Phoebe,

"Because I'm the one who told Iridi to name you that."

"...!" Phoebe'a breath hitched, "No! You're a liar! Mama told me my papa was the one who gave her my name!" She snapped. Celthin raised an eyebrow,

"Do you see what that means, then?" He asked calmly. Phoebe scowled angrily,

"You are not my papa." She sneered. Celthin sighed and shook his head,

"Phoebe, I know this is a struggle to understand, but it's true. You can sense it, right? Iridi had the ability to sense one's honesty, don't you have it too?" Phoebe's eyes widened. Iridiana never shared that information with anyone but her,

"...how do you know that?" She asked in a low voice,

"Is it still not clicking?" Celthin asked, genuinely confused, "Iridi and I were lovers, spouses. I'm your father, Phoebe."

"No... no that's not true." Phoebe insisted, "Y-You're a monster!!" She snapped. Celthin stared at Phoebe, shocked and saddened by the exclamation,

"...is that what you really believe?" He asked softly, "Or do you say that out of prejudice?"

"You hurt people!" Phoebe exclaimed,

"...yes, I do." Celthin admitted softly, "I let my anger get the better of me. But I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I command my shadows to only terrorize, no words, no actions, just... existing." Phoebe narrowed her eyes warily, taking a step back,

"Phoebe, allow me to indulge you in a story. The true story." Celthin sighed. He summoned his shadows to tell the story, one looking like a younger him, the other looking like Iridiana,

"Iridi and I knew each other got a long time. We were childhood friends turned lovers. But... other people despised me. Even though light and shadow were both viewed as cursed, people adored the light and hated the shadow. Even when I tried to be nice to them, they cast me out. Eventually... I let my anger take control of me. I attacked. I harmed many. Iridi was the one to stop me. She and I both knew this would only cause more harm to us. She told me to hide, go into the shadows and don't be seen, and she'll manipulate the press to believe I was dead. My response was to tell her..." Celthin took a shaky breath and wiped away his tears,

"'Please tell Phoebe about this... let her know her father.' And she agreed. Though... judging by your reaction, I guess she hadn't told you." He sighed disappointed. Phoebe quickly retorted,

"I-I'm sure she was just waiting for the right moment..." there was no point in her denying the facts any longer. Celthin was her father,

"I'm certain she was too, I'm not mad at her for that." Celthin replied with a smile, "I could never hate her."

"So then why are you doing this?" Phoebe asked,

"...I want my daughter on my side." Celthin stated calmly, "To break the cycle of prejudice and hatred."

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