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(A/N: Art by the lovely Tea0-0stache )

(3rd Person POV)

Yusuke watched from the doorway as Mania slept in bed. Garfield was curled up beside her, and both looked to not be waking up for quite some time. Yusuke let out a sigh and rubbed his temples,

"Psyche, why must you make things more difficult..." he muttered annoyed. Just then, his phone rang. Stepping out of the room, he looked at his phone. Yusuke's eyes lit up as he stared at the name. After a moment of hesitance, he took the call, placing the phone by his ear,


"Yu-Yu!" The cheerful voice replied on the other side. Yusuke couldn't help but blush ever so softly at the adoring nickname,

"How have you been?" Yusuke asked calmly,

"I've been good. How about you?"

"Things could be better..." he mumbled in reply, holding his chest where the shadow kaiju hit him, previously,

"Hiro told me a bit about what happened last night at the Battler Party. Takaaki wanted to meet with you, since your kid played a big role in calming the chaos." Sato explained. Yusuke nodded with a disgruntled sigh,

"Great. I should've expected as much." He groaned. Sato let out a soft chuckle,

"Want me to pass a message that you decline?" He asked. Yusuke thought for a moment before shaking his head,

"I have no reason to refuse. This situation was... chaotic, to say the least." He sighed, "And I feel it only necessary to give a bit of insight."

"Save it for the meeting, okay? Taki wants you at his place."

"Understood." Yusuke then hung up and sighed, "I'm going to regret this."


It took three steps into the Ishimaru household for Yusuke to regret this,

"Hey hey, Yu!" The tallest demon in the room grinned. In spite of their concealed vision they somehow appeared beside Yusuke to wrap an arm around him,

"Let me go, Yoshimi." Yusuke sneered irritated. Yoshimi backed away with a laugh,

"Fine." He then bounced over and sat down at the table. Yusuke looked around before Sato approached him,

"Hey Yu, glad you could make it." He said relieved. Yusuke nodded with a less grimaced scowl before it was immediately tightened by the approach of a familiar woman,

"You insolent waste of space." She spat, holding a glass of what was most likely alcohol,

"Hoshi." Yusuke replied calmly before she jabbed a finger at him,

"You have some fucking nerve. Adopting a kid after you left me and the boys."

"...Daiya told her. Immediately." Yusuke thought with a remorseful grimace,

"Hoshi listen, I—"

"Save your excuses." Hoshi sneered, "If I'd've known sooner about this I would've taken legal action and you know it." Yusuke shuddered with a sigh before a short, chubby woman broke up the duel,

"W-Wait! We can save all of that for later. We're here to talk about the Battler Party, remember?" She said. Yusuke nodded,

"Thank you, Misato." Misato nodded gratefully as everyone gathered to sit at the table. There were a few empty seats, no doubt from adults who decided not to join. Nobody cared to address it, though. Yusuke sat down and sulked, realizing this wasn't just a meeting between him and Takaaki. It was with everyone.

Takaaki cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention onto him,

"I'd like to first brief everyone by saying Celthin has been detained and has accepted punishment. He will serve a significant amount of time in prison for the chaos he caused." He explained. Iridiana, who had met with Takaaki when Celthin was brought in, spoke up,

"And the Chair-Demon, Sullivan, said the kids can have free days until Phoebe has sufficiently cleaned up the school." Yusuke nodded, relieved at the good news,

"Ah, Yu?" Sato suddenly turned to address him. Yusuke looked over at his friend,

"How is she, anyway? Your kid." He asked. Yusuke sighed,

"Mania is recovering, currently. Hasn't woken up yet, but her injuries are gone." He replied. Hoshi sighed and leaned her head against her palm,

"Mondo and Daiya will love to hear that. They've been nonstop worrying about her." She said in a low voice, twirling her glass as she watched the alcohol spin,

"I heard she exhibited some pretty intense power." Another woman mentioned, smoking what seemed like a cigarette (but likely demon-ified),

"Yes well, it didn't last long." Yusuke shrugged vaguely, "Once she ran out of energy she was out like a light."

"So then... what do we do now?" A demon sitting beside Yoshimi asked. Yoshimi shrugged in reply as he kicked his feet up, taking out a bag of shredded cheese to eat from it,

"Just take it easy?" He asked with a chuckle. Takaaki shook his head,

"The situation was unsettling for everyone involved. Shadow magic was at play and I worry, even with the culprit detained, there will be plenty of fear going around. It's not like we can go back to normal."

"Yeah, Taka was pretty shaken even after the incident..." Misato mentioned, crossing her arms worriedly,

"I'm just worried things will get too nasty." Sato mentioned with a soft sigh, "Hopefully everything will work out."

"It will." Yusuke insisted, "The situation was calmed, and I'm certain the Thirteen Crowns will handle everything else that might go awry."

"Yu's got a good point." The smoking demon mentioned, "We're only really worried because our kids were involved, but it's not like any are in grave danger right now." Yusuke then promptly stood up,

"If there's nothing else you need me for, I will take my leave." He said firmly. Without a word from anyone else, Yusuke left the room. Both because he wasn't needed, and also, he wanted to avoid anymore conflict with Hoshi. Unfortunately, his prayer couldn't be answered, as Hoshi soon followed him,

"Wait just one minute!" She exclaimed. Yusuke sighed and turned to face her,

"If you wish to address the situation with Mania, you can join Daiya to visit once she has recovered. For now, I do not want to cause a scene now, of all times." He stated firmly. Hoshi scoffed and rolled her eyes,

"Fine. You damn bastard."

"Wretched witch." Yusuke snapped back before leaving. Hoshi sighed and returned to the others. Yusuke wasn't excited to see Hoshi later, but considering the reason was Mania, he was slightly optimistic that the situation wouldn't be as crass as it was during the parents' meeting.

"Hopefully none of them catch any suspicion..." he thought to himself. The whole soul selling situation could spell dire legal trouble for Yusuke if word got out. Especially what the parents knew from when they themselves were in school together.

To be continued...

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