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(3rd person POV)

After the trial periods had concluded, one event loomed over everyone's heads. The Battler Party. Parents come to observe the Battlers and, by extension, their children. This put everyone on edge, but especially the first years.

"My dad can't come!" Kazuichi exclaimed fearfully,

"You and me both." Leon sneered from his seat. He was clearly on edge, "He better not bring my fuckin cousin."

"Don't worry Leon." Hiro assured the red headed demon, "We've got your back if anything happens."

"Thanks..." Leon muttered in reply. Miu sighed a little,

"It's gonna be a stressful day."

"I concur with the Perverse Inventor." Gundham noted, petting the hamsters that hid in his scarf, "As one with absent guardians, I do not share in the nervousness of you inferior demons." Everyone collectively groaned before Kalego slammed his hands down onto the pedestal in front of him,

"Silence!" Everyone stopped sharing their concerns as they looked up at Kalego,

"You fools should be preparing, so you don't embarrass yourselves in front of your family, or anyone for that matter. Also, those of you who will be staying overnight need to get permission forms."

"Yes sir!" The entire class replied before leaving the classroom. While walking though, Phoebe had noticed one of the chair demons make her way to Kalego, but she didn't stick around for what the issue could've been.


Mania, Kokichi, and Gonta returned to the Second Chance Battler room. Inside was Celthin, working on another dummy made out of shadows. Upon noticing the trio this time around, Celthin made the dummy vanish before turning on the lights,

"Welcome back you three!" Celthin exclaimed cheerfully, "Come come! Have a seat!" He pulled up some beanbag seats and sat in one. The trio of misfits joined him,

"So, who's comin from your family, Kokichi?" Mania asked curiously. Kokichi turned to Mania and snickered,

"No one but my organization! They're my family!" He replied with a grin. Mania chuckled in amusement,

"If you say so."

"Is friend Mania's family coming to Battler Party too?" Gonta asked Mania. She looked at Gonta with a raised eyebrow before shrugging,

"I dunno. My guardian is a pretty busy guy, so probably not." She reasoned, internally disappointed that Yusuke wouldn't be able to come,

"How lovely." Celthin muttered, staring at the trio, "I miss the old Battler Parties."

"Is your family coming too Celthin?" Mania asked,

"No no... my family is gone." Celthin chuckled dryly, "Cursed magic and all, remember?"

"Right..." Mania shivered at the idea. Getting killed for being supposedly cursed, not fun.

"Anyway, we're getting off track!" Celthin proclaimed with a smile, "We still have yet to make any preparations!"



"...Ah." Mania groaned as she was forced to help lug a wheelbarrow with the assistance of Gonta and Kokichi. It was mostly Gonta doing the hard work, Celthin was leading the group to the large courtyard, a paper in hand,

"Oh! It looks like everyone's getting ready!" Celthin noted, pointing ahead.

There were stalls all over the courtyard, organized akin to a festival. Many demons were talking about preparing for the Battler Party, either promoting their presentations or double checking the stocks,

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