Daily Routine

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After that awkward talk from yesterday, I got up from bed and took a shower. I washed my hair in my vanilla and honey shampoo and conditioner. Then I got dressed while listening to Born To Be Brave from Highschool Musical. I wore the hoodie that was given to me by Jas which said TAKEN in bold black letters and it had an outline of a couple hugging. I chose white Nike sweatpants to match the white hoodie and put my hair in a braid. I put my airpods on and played music that I wrote and sung. I skipped down the stairs smiling so hard and kissed mum and the head and dad on the cheek. I headed to the kitchen and started making food for the people who did eat. Jon: scrambled eggs and toast with tea; Lizzie (Elizabeth): two toast sandwiches, 1 with strawberry jam and the other with marmalade and milk tea; Blake and Masen: 4 waffles each with Nutella and strawberries with mint tea; Ness and Jacob: pancakes with maple bacon, syrup and black coffee; Arabella: 1 warm milk bottle for breakfast. Last but not least for me and my favourite person in the world, I made us our favourite. Bacon, sausage and eggs with rice and mint and berry tea. I was dancing and placing the last piece of bacon on Jas' plate when all the women came and Aunt Bella said " Someone's in a good mood, wonder who made her this happy. " she said sarcastically winking at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled when I heard Jas'voice, "Morning buttercup." He said kissing my cheek. " Morning hun." I said kissing him. " Join me for brekkie? "" Sure, but let me go get the others fir-" "Uppupup,"mum said "we'll get them, you lovebirds go enjoy your breakfast!" "Thanks Auntie Alice" Jas said. "Thanks mum" I said grabbing our food and heading to the dining room. We ate and talked about stuff until the others entered, we finished and then went toy room which had soundproof walls. Once we got there I finished writing the song I started called Reflection. ( Melody did not actually sing or write this song . It's Lea Salongas work)Jas said it was beautiful and I thanked him as we started making out passionately yet fiercely. We were interuptted by hearing Ara cry. I got my ukulele and we went downstairs to where my dad was trying to stop her from crying. I told Jas to sit her in her play pen as I started singing my other song I wrote called Something In The Water. ( Shout-out to Brooke Fraser who's song this is) She calmed down in an instant and Uncle Edward said, " You're going to be a great mother since you're so good with her already." "Thanks Uncle Edward " I said looking at Jas. He looked at me smiling really hard for some reason but I smiled back. Then Jas said, " Hey Uncle Jasper, Auntie Ali, ( Alice) can I talk to you guys privately. Like go on a walk far away from here alone. " Sure Anthony." Dad said walking out of the mansion walking to the forest.

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