Giving Birth and Running Away

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3rd Person POV
*9 months later*
Ahhh! "Honey get up they're coming." Okay I'll call Carlisle and your parents. "Hello " "Hey mum get Grandpa Carlisle and Dad, Mel is going into labour. " "Okay we're on our way"
*50 minutes later*
"Breath in and out and give three big pushes " Grandpa Carlisle said. I took one big breath and started to push. I took another two and pushed. "Last push. " I pushed and heard one of the most precious sounds " Whaaah! Whaaah! " " It's the baby boy." Grandpa Carlisle said. "Push again." I did the same and their came my daughter. My mom and dad cleaned them and Dad handed me and Jas' our babies while mom went to go get Ara. "Mum, dat da babies! " I chuckled and nodded as mum put her on my bed as she started caressing her little sister's cheek. Mum took a picture of us. "So what are my grandchildren's names." Dad said putting a strand of hair behind my ear. Jas said " The boy is James Albus Charlesworth. I promise our next son is going to be named after you. "" And the girl is Lillibeth Rose Charlesworth." I said "Just like Auntie Rose!" Ara exclaimed. She was very fond of Aunt Rose. "That's right sweetheart" I said kissing her head. "Well we'll leave you to rest, you need it. " Grandpa Carlisle said. "Thanks a lot Grandpa.""No worries honey" he said kissing my head leaving the house.
*The next day*
We took the twins on their first walk. Arabella was in my arms playing with my hair and Jas was pushing the twins in their stroller. We arrived and Aunt Bella came asking to hold Lillibeth and Uncle Emmett did not ask he just grabbed James and started playing with him. We went to the family room where everyone else was. "So what are their names?" Grandpa Devon asked. " The girl is Lillibeth Rose Charlesworth and the boy is James Albus Charlesworth." I said proudly. "They're beautiful names" Uncle Edward said. "Thanks." Then I saw Renesmee sit next Uncle Eddie and he said there is my one and only princess. That hurt me so bad I put my shield up and handed Lilibeth to my mom and storming out of the mansion. I saw people chase out after me and then I saw Uncle Edward, I just felt even more furious and hurt so I sped through the forest a mile away from the mansion. I cast a spell that would send a message to Jas. In the message I told him I went to hunt and was not going to be back for two days. I asked him if he was mad at me as well. He sent a message saying to be safe and that he's not mad because he knows what happened and understood me. I went from Manchester to Ireland and hunted there then I returned home after two days. I came home to my husband singing a lullaby for Ara because the other two were asleep but she had a hard time. “Hey honey" I said kissing him. “Hey bub, how was your two day hunt and travel?" “Relaxing." He got up kissed my forehead and went upstairs to put Ara in her crib to sleep. I went upstairs and sat on the bed waiting for Jas to join me. He came in and I apologized for leaving right after we just had our new babies. He said it was okay and next thing you know we were having you know what;. We woke up the next morning to James crying so I got up, got dressed and carried him. Jas made us breakfast and we dressed our babies and headed over to the main house. My mom sprinted to the door and hugged me being careful not to crush little sleeping Lilibeth who was in my arms. I apologized to her and my father for just going away for no reason but I put a shield around us and showed them why I ran away and hugged me as I buried my self in my mom's chest. “Hey Aunt Bella and Uncle Edward, can I talk to you guys alone, far away from here.? " I asked nervously and they nodded.

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