Gone Wrong

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It was a normal day. Everybody was in the main house doing there own thing when I saw Renesmee text me.
Bold is Jas and slanted is Renesmee
Hey Jas I have something I want to discuss with you over text Convo and I asked my mom to put her shield up.
What is it?
I want to pull a romantic prank on Mel.
What kind?
We should pretend we're kissing.
I don't know about this
Please it'll be fun.
Ugh I didn't want Renesmee upset because people will get protective. Mel's told me about the extents she goes to to get what she wants so I had no choice. We started the YouTube video the same basic way. I introduced Ness and then it begun.el just came back from getting Starbucks and then she dropped her iced tea at the sight.
Melody POV
Is this real? It looks like my husband is kissing my sister. I dropped my iced tea and ran out of the mansion. I got into my car and drove off as bitter and heavy tears rolled down my red cheeks. Aaaghh! I hate her. I hate Renesmee Cullen, why does she have to be my sister. I was driving and crossing the intersection when BOOM!

Author Note: This is a short chapter but the next one will be long and intriguing. It's called A Car Accident and Amnesia. Thanks for reading and God bless you guys.:)

Melody Hale POV Where stories live. Discover now