The Wedding

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*One year later*
3rd Person POV
Today was the day of the wedding, everyone was getting ready. Melody got ready with the help of her bridesmaids and mum. She invited her good friends the Mikealsons, Salvatore brothers with Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett and then her best friends. Then it was time to  walk down the isle. Melody grasped her father's arm and put her head on his shoulder as they walked towards her soon to be husband who was tearing up a little and so was she. She gave a kiss on her dad's cheek before joining her groom at the alter. The priest said to be seated. " Today we are gathered here to witness the marriage of Melody Whitlock and Anthony Charlesworth. They said there vows and then “ You may now kiss the bride. " They kissed and then they went to the reception. “ Melody you are all grown up and you'll always but you'll always be my baby girl and your mother's dress up doll. You have grown into a beautiful, young and independent woman. I am very proud of you. Anthony I've known you and your siblings all my life after all I am your godfather but you become my son when your father died. He told me to tell you on your wedding day. Good job son, you did it. Your mother and I aren't here anymore but we want to tell your bride that you may be a lot to handle but I know you will take care of her the way you do to me and your mother, with love, honour, respect and chivalry that you show towards your mom. We know that Jasper has raised you right. To you our son, we wish we were there but if not we are proud of you and are glad you have Jasper. Enjoy life while you're young. " Jasper said which made Melody and I tear up. Then Harry, Ron and Hermione went up. Harry said “ As your friends we would like to say congrats on tying the knot." “Jas our friend don't do anything dumb because you know where that will get you to. " Ron said “Mel, you know I'm very good at casting spells so any time you need help with him just call. ” Hermione said. “ We wish you guys a long marriage. " Then my brothers, the Mikealson brothers and Salvatore brothers said “ Hurt our sister, princess or baby, we'll hurt you." After the reception dinner everyone said bye to the newlyweds as they headed off to  Switzerland for their honeymoon.

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